Thursday, February 8, 2007

Closing Celebration in Kenya

Closing Celebration in Kenya
If you wanna worship and party with the Lord, Kenya is the place to do it.
I have never in my whole life seen a giving celebration like we had last night. Dancing, cheering for the Lord, and some of the poorest (monetarily speaking) people I have ever met giving with great joy to the Lord to help other discipleship mission training programs begin around the world. If only we could all be so happy to give back to God! Seriously. I was in awe. God is so awesome!
I don't think I can sum up the day yesterday. I really can't. I can tell you that there are literally NO words to describe what happened as we celebrated, prayed, and joined together in worshiping the Lord.
I broke my good sleeping habits last night, working very late into the night on expense reimbursements for the leaders who I met with at 4:45am to say goodbye to. 2.5 hours of sleep. And we have meetings today, so I'm sleepy, but once again full of joy and energy for this job God has entrusted to me. I really do pray that in all you do, God will give you great joy for it!
I was given a Kamba name last night by a pastor (Simon) and discipleship training leader (John) of "Mwende". That means "loved one". Cool. Elijah from Sudan, where it is customary to name people cow names named me "Yar" which means "white cow". In America, I would be offended if someone called me a cow, but not in Kenya by a Sudanese brother :)
I have to run back to our meeting now. We are planning and preparing for what we think God is leading us to. Growth, joy, serving and loving.
Godfrey Chiundah from Malawi (director of the program AFORTH = Awake for the Harvest) is sitting next to me and asks for you to pray for the trainings and that God would use the trainings to impact the lives of the young. Pray for the programs that are just starting, for more experiences and God's direction and guidance.
Thanks for your continued prayers. We need and covet them.
From Africa with Love,

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