Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A little fun and stress-relief - Dr.'s Orders :)

I went to the chiropractor last week, feeling all sorts out of whack. He finished his adjustment, then stood me up, looked me in the eye, and quoted the Scripture over me, "do not be anxious for anything..." and told me that I need to release whatever is stressing me out and go have some fun. He then told Nate and I that we need to get away. So we did. We went on an impromptu 2 month-aversary trip to the Poconos. Friday, upon arriving home from work, we packed up the car in under an hour and were on our way. We made it to our retreat, campsite number 360something, built a fire, made some dinner, and started our quest for relaxation.

We only stayed for the night, and into the next day, but from the looks of things, I was pretty relaxed. Hammocks are awesome. So are hubands who agree to be spontaneous and go camping on a moment's notice :) Love it.

We saw a large boulder field. Literally a field of boulders. Odd.

Oh, I also figured out why I'm stressed. Besides lots of big changes in my life (marriage being a big one, even though it's completely amazing, it's still a transition). Work has been crazy. Not like running around crazy, but a sustained for over a year sort of crazy... I had a great time of talking with my boss this past week, and it was good to discuss things. I feel better now, and I am so glad I'm here! It's a joy (if I remember to let it be) to work at such a rapidly growing pace. It's hard sometimes, though, so we are praying for an assistant. We need one desperately. I am once again in awe that God allows me to join Him in this work. What a blessing!

One of my favorite things about my job is that we pray together. Not every once in a while, but EVERY DAY! Today during our lunch as a staff, Linda shared the verse out of Corinthians that talks about having our faces unveiled. She shared that it's not a one time thing, but that we continually need to be unveiled for God's glory. It was a good reminder. She then sent us off for 1/2 hour to get alone with God and to ask for His revelation to anything that might be keeping us from total freedom. Pretty sweet.

I have been dealing with a lot of fatigue and recently some really intense headaches since my trip in the winter to Eth./India. So I will return to the doctor tomorrow to see if there are any repercussions from the nasty parasite issue. My system is noticeably konked out. I have not been sharing this widely, as I've been trying to remain positive and trying to learn to trust God for complete healing. But Nate and Galen both feel I need to get some blood work done and some extra tests, so I will do that.

Last week, our boss shared the following verses with us out of Psalm 62: One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard: that you, O God, are strong, and that you, O Lord, are loving.

AMEN! I thank God today for His strength and for His love. He is awesome in every way.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Biking in the rain (downpour)

We had so much fun this weekend playing with my new bike and looking through out wedding photos to pick which ones we liked and will have edited :) They are great and I'd say, Daniel did a fantastic job!

For our 8 week-a-versary yesterday, we took off to Mt. Gretna where we rode the rail to trail for 2.5 miles into the cute little town of Mt. Gretna. Nate had the camera, and I forgot to steal it from him... until our drive home... My new bike (which is such a blessing and was a great deal!!!) did great and was SO COMFORTABLE and fun to ride! We got a great deal on it from a great bike shop called Shirk's in East Earl. (for those of you who live near here, a little secret is that the bikes upstairs, are brand new, but last year's models and can be up to 15% off...)

We had some ice cream at this fun place called the Jigger Shop and I have to say, it was packed for a Sunday early evening. We decided we'll have to return sometime soon! Nate braved it and got the Jigger (which was a big sundae!)

On our way home, it started raining, but we decided to ride back anyway. Little did we know, it would be a downpour of sorts and we'd be pretty much soaked to the core when we got back to the car. The return 2.5 miles went by much more quickly! (even though we couldn't see through the rain very well...)

I hooped and hollered in the rain. How often since we were little, have we taken the time to delight in a great, cold, wet rain-soaked bike ride? Not often enough for me :)

And last week, we were blessed to hang out with the crew from (mostly) Colorado who all live here now. It was a great time celebrating with the Sandersons, Weavers, and the Hess'. What a joy to be connected to so many wonderful friends! We saw a very sad sight on our way out... I don't know this poor lawn mowers story, but it appears to have died... It's been mowed around, though... SO maybe it's really dead... It was sad, but it gave us the giggles... Maybe we will have to help them fix it...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Just needed to share my thanksgiving...

So I am not even half way through the day, and I just have to share how blessed I feel. Why? You ask... Well...
  • I got to wake up this morning and see my handsome husband! What a great guy God has blessed me with!
  • Said handsome husband has taken it upon himself to bless me each morning with coffee, so the first thing he did was to go downstairs to make me some of my favorite coffee! Seriously, for someone who didn't really know how to just a month point five ago... he's really good! Mmmm...
  • I got to work today to be blessed by a sad email (?!?!?!) That's weird, right? No. The email was sad, because the little boy I helped name in My-nmar is sick and in the hospital for at least a month, but his parents, God-loving and trusting, are not anxious, even though he might die. I named him Joshua Nathan -God's messenger and God's gift. I believe there's a call on his life!
  • I got paid today :). What does that mean? God's favor and grace on my life is amazing. People (many people) sacrifice so I can do this amazing work God has called me to!
  • I went to the Post Office today. Now, here's something not everyone in the country can be thankful for... We have the NICEST people working at our post office. The last TWO TIMES I've gone, I've prayed for my favorite lady and I've gotten to go to her window. Awesome!
All this to say, God is in the big things and the little things, constantly reminding us of His great love for us.

Friday, July 11, 2008

JOY in my journey...

I was recently challenged as a man came to share his life and journey with us as a staff... You see, it was a staff equipping day, but it turned out to be a "life giving" day for me... He was sharing how we have to be listeners, learners, then share the truth in love.

I was listening to this man teach how to relate to people of other religions when I asked him how to relate to those in my life of different religions. They will see the JOY and LOVE. As soon as he told me that they would see my JOY, I was impacted by this and broke down crying during our prayer time.

While I didn't share this with anyone until later that night when I shared it with my husband, I had to repent to God. I repented for believing the lie that to be spiritually mature, I had to be quiet, reserved, serious. I let go of the JOY God gave to me for the lie of being distinguished... I believed that I had to listen to those who think being quiet and reserved is the right way... So many times in my life I've been told I'm too joyful, too happy...

Well, yes. I have survived much. I need to have JOY. God gave it to me. It is His precious gift to me... After years and years of trials, and struggles, I could be bitter and angry, but He gave me the gift of JOY and I almost threw it away for the world. Some would say they don't see me as having little joy, but it's not the abundant JOY of my heart... It's the watered down, simplified joy. The kind that comes from feeling I need to muffle it...

So on Wednesday, I committed to God and myself that I will return to the JOY God has given to me.... I will return to being the person HE wants me to be, not what my "world" tells me I should be. Yes, I will listen to wisdom and counsel, but I will unleash the long-locked away JOY that is inside me desperate to rise up and show the world His love...

Monday, July 7, 2008

Annual ??? Fourth of July Camping/Beach Trip

Well, we did it again. Bradley Beach for the Fourth of July with some of our very favorite people! And my very first camping trip as a married woman - woop!

We headed out Thursday after work to set up camp, get ready for the weekend, and just enjoy nature! Nate worked hard to cut down a tree for our firewood (oak, we think, so it was HARD). I worked at setting up camp and cooking. I do love to cook, even in the wilderness :)

Our friends (Luke, Janine, Josh, Rosemary) arrived by 9:00 and we enjoyed some burgers and dogs. Thankfully we ate most of the brownies before the rascally racoon snuck off with the rest in the middle of the night :)

We woke up Friday and lounged around the campsite before heading to Bradley Beach! We do love this beach so much! The ocean! The sand between your toes! Friends! Cheese! Watermelon! It was awesome. Oh, except, like last year, the water was SUPER COLD! So we didn't brave it too much, except our fish friend Luke, who is crazy... Sometimes... We got to catch up with the Landis' and Brennan's, too, which is always a treat! Such dear people!
After an evening of S'mores, food (very little bread and buns, thanks to aforementioned rascally racoon who CHEWED OPEN our very hefty camping box - you know the ones, the rubbermaid ones... yeah... R.A.S.C.A.L.!!!!), and talking by the fire, we retired for the night, only to be awakened by a big rain storm! So Nate and I ran to the guys/girls tents and slept in there for the night.
We were going to go to the beach again, but laziness or intelligence, made us decide to head home early, which I'm glad we did. Putting stuff away always takes a long time! Oh, but it's SO WORTH IT!
God is so good, His creation is awesome and His love is unending. I'm enjoying being challenged daily by His life and by His love. I don't know why He chooses to allow me to experience this life, but I do love it so much. I am challenged today to live a life more grateful. Even for the things that bug me. So I will try. On His strength....