Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A relaxing weekend with lots of good friends

John 1:16From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.

Ah, I will call the last seven days of my life "refreshing". I don't know how else to describe it. I can't believe so much has happened in such a short time. I feel like just yesterday I was flying in an airplane across North America. But that was seven whole days ago! I am grateful and blessed beyond belief that God has called a group of really wonderful men and women together as friends. I am so encouraged and blessed by them!

I got to ride a horse on Saturday at Nate's house! We rode for a while around some fields, through a tree nursery and on some roads! What a joy. I told Nate I was going to have a permanent smile on my face for the rest of the week! We also enjoyed a bonfire at his family's home with some friends. Josh rode a horse for the first time and survived quite well, I would say... Way to go Josh! And thank you Nate for sharing with us all. Your home is so peaceful.

Giddyup Cowboy (in shorts and tennis shoes ;)

For Sunday and Monday, we went for a trip to a retreat/camp and hung out in the rain (lots of rain...). We went to an interesting church service with some spirit-filled Amish who have been praying 24 hours a day for the past 50 days and have seen God move mightily in that time. How wonderful that they are experiencing such freedom! I wish we could have been there for more of it.

I learned many things about my friends this weekend:

1. Nate can build lots of stuff and is quite handy to have around on camping trips :) He also likes to swing, which is of course makes him even cooler than before

2. Luke can build a fire that doesn't seem to burn out...

3. When given an umbrella and a chance, Josh will protect a fire so we can enjoy it after the storm passes, even when drastic measures cause him to lose his leg hair.

(Luke's great fire and Josh's protection - note the umbrella)

4. Building a shanty and a trench is fun with this group of friends :) Tarps are awesome.
Tasha, Nate, and Justin trying to make the lantern work. They were successful!

5. Luke is an excellent mountain pie maker.

6. I love waking up to birds singing and the first light of day and just spending time with the Lord. Oh wait, I already knew that, but was reminded of that goodness.

7. Luke should not walk away from his "apparatus" - Vanessa is a comedian.

8. Nate is also a good navigator and leader. I am not sure he likes my new nicknames for him (which include weather man, billy goat, etc.)

8.5 Josh has big arm muscles...

9. I like hammocks in the shade of trees in the woods. Resting and being content in the Lord is great...

10. I love to pray with my friends... Ministry is fun when you're with people who are desirous of God...

11. Some are morning people and some are not...

12. I like fire-roasted pineapple and pepperoni (thanks Nate, I don't think I would have figured that out :)

13. Worshiping, praying, and experiencing God are awesome in the woods of PA. I am so glad God has called this my home.

God really challenged me when I had my quiet times to really lay down my life for him. All of it, not necessarily in physical death (though I would do that, too) but in all of the things I seem to hold so dear. I pray that day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, I would be able to lay down all the things in my life that I hold on to. Even the things that God has given me. Nothing is mine, it is all for the display of His glory. Thank you, Lord for allowing me to know you and experience you. I was reading in John 13 when Jesus ask Peter if he would really lay down his life for him? He knew, of course, that he would deny Him. The way it is written "really lay down your life?" strikes me. "Really" in the dictionary means truly, unquestionably. Wow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha. great pics Jenny. It should be noted that immediately after your picture of me flexing that I fell down the rocks and nearly dislocated my knee. Pride comes before the fall...literally. haha