Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Update 2 from Bolivia

I have been incredibly blessed over the past two days. I have been able to meet new friends, and see old friends once again. We received quite a few participants yesterday, including my roommate at 2:30am J. She is a training director in Colombia and seems very nice if you can gauge someone well at that time of the day... Most of the participants will arrive today.

We have completed the majority of the pre-meeting preparations (meeting with the staff at the hotel, getting welcome packets compiled, greeting participants, getting the meeting room setup, etc. Basically just the logistics.)

Bolivia is very lovely. I have appreciated the people (very warm culture and friendly) and the weather is wonderful. It is green and lush here.

Please pray for health here. I realize there are some possible issues with food here and food borne/waterborne sickness. I thought I was getting sick today, but feel much better this afternoon.

I have been incredibly blessed yesterday afternoon and all day today so far... I have been able to sit in on the Executive Team meetings (leaders of the three tracks) and plan, dream, etc. with them as they brainstorm for the coming years. I love stuff like this. How do we most effectively reach the world with Gospel???? Questions like that. I am humbled to be among them. Not because they are great men, but because they are men who love Jesus so much and walk with much humility. I love the unity of this group of men. Their vision and focus is so clear. Their faith is strong. They challenge me. I am learning a lot.

Pray that as we complete the meetings this evening, we will have focus to finish well. Pray for God’s release of ideas, vision, etc. Please pray that, as the GDTA meeting begins tomorrow, we will all have one focus in our hearts: Jesus. There is much to do, many things to discern, areas of growth. Pray that God’s potential for this region will be realized. Much of the meetings will be translated from English to Spanish and it will slow down the flow quite a bit, but it will be very good anyway.

Ah, I appreciate you all so much. Thank you for your love and support and prayers.


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