I'm really tired so this is really short. I'll try to send more tomorrow. The internet at the place we're staying is not working, so we walked to a place about ten minutes away. Hello from India! what a day! I have to admit being exhausted from flying and from preparing, I was not all that excited to be in India, until I opened my window in the plane (the screen, not the window) and saw the lights at 2:00am in Delhi. This city of 15 million is bustling even then! The first thing that struck me when I stepped off the plane was the smell! Then the amount of people! Intense! We got to our hotel around 3:30am (included was a horrible cab ride that I'd rather not talk about. Let's just say the men here don't seem to have personal boundaries with women and one man now has fingernail marks in his hand and almost got hit hard by me)...This morning, I woke up at 7:30am, got ready, ate some good breakfast, then went into the city. Steve, Stephen and I visited a mosque, toured the city, ate lunch (Indian food is SO GOOD), rode in a rickshaw (aka the helicopter) went to a Jain temple, went to a Hindu and Buddhist temple, and then to a Shiek temple (coolest place we went today) to photograph and get video footage. I am now the proud owner of a real sari. I'll need to upload some sweet photos sometime when I can keep my eyes open. Delhi is not nearly as scary as I thought it would be, and hanging out with the guys was great today, definitely much safer than being alone :)The people here are REALLY friendly, always smiling at you and saying hi, and talking to you. Very refreshing. I have so many stories, and I haven't even been here 24 hours. I DEFINITELY recommend everyone coming here just once. It's such a great experience so far!Okay, that's good for now, we are going to go buy water. My coworker arrives tonight from Hyderabad and then the work begins!Thanks for your prayers and support!Jenny
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