Namaste from India!
Oh, if I could have only packaged yesterday and sent it to you all, you could understand the beautiful things that God did! We had our day of prayer and fasting yesterday and God moved and worked in some very great ways. There were times of confessions and forgiveness. To see godly men and women humble themselves before God and before each other is truly a gift.
The other night I couldn't sleep because at this point I am quite sick. Fever, body aches, coughing, etc. But still very healthy in the stomach :), which is amazing, since the food is HOT here! I have learned to not eat dinner, that seems to be the hottest meal, not kidding you, it makes you sweat. Anyway, I heard a familiar voice in the hall. It was Al, one of our coworkers from the US. It was 3 in the morning, and Tim, Suanne and Al were not supposed to be here until 11:00am (according to my schedule which was apparently a bit wrong...) So I jumped out of bed, ran into the hall, to find Galen (my boss) rubbing his head (he had mis-judged the distance from his bed to the wall and ran full force into the wall - he now has a mark on his head and one on his hand...:) and Tim and Suanne wondering where they should sleep... We had no room for them, so I moved to the girl's room down the hall and slept on a mat on the floor, so they could have my room until morning when another couple left and they could have their room. I didn't sleep actually, but I did listen to a lot of worship music and prayed a lot... The next morning as I got off the floor, I saw a four inch long milipede or centipede. Gross. I'm just glad it didn't bite me :) I have heard their bites are quite painful. But I did get a picture of it and refrained from squishing it :)
Even though I was sleepy and sick yesterday, God really blessed me. We were given a personal prayer time assignment of reading John 13:38-17 and to see what God said to us in that time. Afterwards, we all came back together and shared what God had given to us. We shared in incredible times of worship together, too. Such joy in serving the Lord!
Personally, I spent time yesterday asking God for forgiveness for things in my life that distract me or keep my focus from God. I want to be a daughter who has only Him on my mind. So often, I am so distracted with good things even that I don't spend nearly the time I want to with the Lord. If I desire to be like Him, I need to spend time with Him.
A brother from N-pal shared on the Essential Component "Dying to Self/Living for Christ" and we were challenged to not be like balloons (excited and puffed up when we hear a good sermon or teaching and deflated the rest of the time) but to really press in and "see God". What a great reminder to pursue God with all we have.
Work wise, it is going well, I am truly enjoying meeting these people, getting to know them, praying with them. However, I do not think I have ever had my picture taken so much in my life... They all want their picture taken with a white girl. Maybe at a wedding, but most likely, not even then... I learned to eat with my hands last night using my "natural spoon", which is three fingers and your thumb to scoop the food in (like they do around here and in N-pal - I think I will stick to spoons and forks, thank you...) from some of the brothers from N-pal. They are an incredible group of young men. Galen has nicknamed them "Band of Brothers". I can't even describe the seriousness and joy with which they serve the Lord. One of their fathers was forced to eat mud (with no water to wash it down). The only way to get out of it was to denounce Jesus. He would not. We heard other stories from that same country where a man was threatened with a knife at his throat to denounce Jesus. His response? "You can kill me, but I will never deny my Jesus". The man did not kill him, but ran away instead.
A woman shared yesterday about outreaches where lepers are being healed, about people being reached that most would not go to. The vision is simple. You disciple 12 people, and those 12 disciple 12 more. It's an incredible vision that is reaching many for Christ and there are so many stories of healing and changed lives.
Big prayer request: my coworker Steve and another young man Stephen who is assisting him with photography left two days ago for Ethiopia. Steve was very sick when he left here (similar to what I have, but a bit worse and with stomach issues) as was Stephen. I got an email today from Tefera in Ethiopia that Steve went to the hospital and the doctor told him to fly home for further testing... I am now in the process of waiting for the US Embassy to open and to be able to contact the men in Ethiopia to figure out if Steve should be on a plane for that long. Pray for healing for Steve and for wisdom for me as I try to figure out from India what to do with someone in Ethiopia...
I just met a young man who is here visiting his parents. He is with YWAM in a different part of INdia and his parents are missionaries here in Delhi (his father has been attending some of our conference). It was good to meet him and to hear about what he does. Wammers are so cool :) I was encouraged by him, and we only talked for about two minutes. Cool.
Tomorrow for church I will go with the TREK team from Canada to a church here in Delhi, then the girls are going to take me to a market to see some things and maybe buy some presents for people. They are a cool group of people, too. One of the leaders who is here, is definitely very strong and has written some books (with Dan Baumann) and you can tell when he speaks, you should listen :)
Alright, this is a very long blog, and if you have made it this far, let me know, and I'll bring you a treat from India ;)
Oh, if I could have only packaged yesterday and sent it to you all, you could understand the beautiful things that God did! We had our day of prayer and fasting yesterday and God moved and worked in some very great ways. There were times of confessions and forgiveness. To see godly men and women humble themselves before God and before each other is truly a gift.
The other night I couldn't sleep because at this point I am quite sick. Fever, body aches, coughing, etc. But still very healthy in the stomach :), which is amazing, since the food is HOT here! I have learned to not eat dinner, that seems to be the hottest meal, not kidding you, it makes you sweat. Anyway, I heard a familiar voice in the hall. It was Al, one of our coworkers from the US. It was 3 in the morning, and Tim, Suanne and Al were not supposed to be here until 11:00am (according to my schedule which was apparently a bit wrong...) So I jumped out of bed, ran into the hall, to find Galen (my boss) rubbing his head (he had mis-judged the distance from his bed to the wall and ran full force into the wall - he now has a mark on his head and one on his hand...:) and Tim and Suanne wondering where they should sleep... We had no room for them, so I moved to the girl's room down the hall and slept on a mat on the floor, so they could have my room until morning when another couple left and they could have their room. I didn't sleep actually, but I did listen to a lot of worship music and prayed a lot... The next morning as I got off the floor, I saw a four inch long milipede or centipede. Gross. I'm just glad it didn't bite me :) I have heard their bites are quite painful. But I did get a picture of it and refrained from squishing it :)
Even though I was sleepy and sick yesterday, God really blessed me. We were given a personal prayer time assignment of reading John 13:38-17 and to see what God said to us in that time. Afterwards, we all came back together and shared what God had given to us. We shared in incredible times of worship together, too. Such joy in serving the Lord!
Personally, I spent time yesterday asking God for forgiveness for things in my life that distract me or keep my focus from God. I want to be a daughter who has only Him on my mind. So often, I am so distracted with good things even that I don't spend nearly the time I want to with the Lord. If I desire to be like Him, I need to spend time with Him.
A brother from N-pal shared on the Essential Component "Dying to Self/Living for Christ" and we were challenged to not be like balloons (excited and puffed up when we hear a good sermon or teaching and deflated the rest of the time) but to really press in and "see God". What a great reminder to pursue God with all we have.
Work wise, it is going well, I am truly enjoying meeting these people, getting to know them, praying with them. However, I do not think I have ever had my picture taken so much in my life... They all want their picture taken with a white girl. Maybe at a wedding, but most likely, not even then... I learned to eat with my hands last night using my "natural spoon", which is three fingers and your thumb to scoop the food in (like they do around here and in N-pal - I think I will stick to spoons and forks, thank you...) from some of the brothers from N-pal. They are an incredible group of young men. Galen has nicknamed them "Band of Brothers". I can't even describe the seriousness and joy with which they serve the Lord. One of their fathers was forced to eat mud (with no water to wash it down). The only way to get out of it was to denounce Jesus. He would not. We heard other stories from that same country where a man was threatened with a knife at his throat to denounce Jesus. His response? "You can kill me, but I will never deny my Jesus". The man did not kill him, but ran away instead.
A woman shared yesterday about outreaches where lepers are being healed, about people being reached that most would not go to. The vision is simple. You disciple 12 people, and those 12 disciple 12 more. It's an incredible vision that is reaching many for Christ and there are so many stories of healing and changed lives.
Big prayer request: my coworker Steve and another young man Stephen who is assisting him with photography left two days ago for Ethiopia. Steve was very sick when he left here (similar to what I have, but a bit worse and with stomach issues) as was Stephen. I got an email today from Tefera in Ethiopia that Steve went to the hospital and the doctor told him to fly home for further testing... I am now in the process of waiting for the US Embassy to open and to be able to contact the men in Ethiopia to figure out if Steve should be on a plane for that long. Pray for healing for Steve and for wisdom for me as I try to figure out from India what to do with someone in Ethiopia...
I just met a young man who is here visiting his parents. He is with YWAM in a different part of INdia and his parents are missionaries here in Delhi (his father has been attending some of our conference). It was good to meet him and to hear about what he does. Wammers are so cool :) I was encouraged by him, and we only talked for about two minutes. Cool.
Tomorrow for church I will go with the TREK team from Canada to a church here in Delhi, then the girls are going to take me to a market to see some things and maybe buy some presents for people. They are a cool group of people, too. One of the leaders who is here, is definitely very strong and has written some books (with Dan Baumann) and you can tell when he speaks, you should listen :)
Alright, this is a very long blog, and if you have made it this far, let me know, and I'll bring you a treat from India ;)
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