Update 3 from Delhi Current mood: grateful
Hello once again! I am writing today at about 1:30 my time, which is in the middle of the night for most of you!
We have had a great first couple of days of meetings! Most are here now, and everyone is getting along very well. Once again, I feel so blessed to be here, serving. I am so grateful God has called me to this!
We have had our opening celebration along with the giving of the 2 percent so new programs can start around the world. It is wonderful to know these dear brothers and sisters are giving so freely of their resources so others can train and send their young people into the mission field!
I have experienced good health until yesterday, and now have something that resembles a cold or the flu. Body aches, sore throat, congestion, headache. But Ross gave me some Indian wonder medicine and I'm better now, except for my body feels like I've been hit by a truck. There are quite a few of us who have it, and we are the ones who have been here the longest. I hope no one else gets it :) Please pray for that. Great news, though! The spicy Indian food has had no effect on my stomach, praise God! Though you would think that it would knock any cold out that even thought of an attack... I think it might be the intense smog. It's pretty thick here, when you blow your nose, it is black. Not kidding you. I am sorry for the gross example, but it's the best way to explain it :) And something really weird happened to my eye yesterday. It was scratched by something, pretty badly, so I'm walking around with a crazy feeling eye. Very scratchy and sore. Yay for eye drops!!!
I am sitting out of the afternoon sessions so I can have some quiet time, rest and get well, send some updates, etc. We took our group photo today and it was so hilarious to try to squeeze all of us into a shot... People wore some traditional clothes and all looked great!
Speaking of shots... Last evening, they were shooting off fireworks late into the night, preparing I think for their Republic Day celebration which is the day they started their constitution on January twenty sixth, nineteen fifty. (they gained their independence from Britain on August fifteenth nineteen forty seven) Some of the number keys don't work, so I have to write everything out... We have been told to stay in our hotel, as Delhi can get pretty crazy on the Republic day, and it can be unsafe.
The schedule here is pretty tight and I'm trying to serve the best I can for now. It is difficult sometimes to be everywhere, thinking of all things, meeting needs of the people. The part I love the most though is serving the leaders, smiling, praying, encouraging them. That is good for my heart. I keep remembering something Inga said to me, "you will not be perfect" and I keep repeating that to myself. I am surely not this meeting, and it is good to keep me humble. :)
We had some leadership training today on "The Leader and Authority" and "The Leader and Attitude". Both were very good sessions, and I especially appreciated the session on attitude.
We shared with a leader yesterday from a country where persecution happens. He had been imprisoned twice for his faith and while in prison, he took the attitude that in six or eight months, you can really disciple people, so he spent his time discipling people he led to Christ. Amazing. God is so good! I have been encouraged and challenged by so many here...
I am going to sign off now, as I have a date with the most wonderful man,. Jesus. I have missed Him this past few weeks, not getting to spend nearly as much time with Him as I would like to, so I am going to now! I realize that apart from prayer and time with the Father, I will be of no use this meeting...
All in all, this has been a life-changing experience so far. I hope I don't forget the lessons I have learned, and will continue to grow from this for many years to come. I know there are so many ways God wants to mold me to be more useful for His glory! And I am so grateful for that!
Let me know how you are doing, if you get a chance. It is good to hear from you! How can I pray for you?
Love to you all,
PS Congratulations Emily and Jonathan - may God bless your marriage in incredible ways and use you for HIS glory! Have fun!!!
Hello once again! I am writing today at about 1:30 my time, which is in the middle of the night for most of you!
We have had a great first couple of days of meetings! Most are here now, and everyone is getting along very well. Once again, I feel so blessed to be here, serving. I am so grateful God has called me to this!
We have had our opening celebration along with the giving of the 2 percent so new programs can start around the world. It is wonderful to know these dear brothers and sisters are giving so freely of their resources so others can train and send their young people into the mission field!
I have experienced good health until yesterday, and now have something that resembles a cold or the flu. Body aches, sore throat, congestion, headache. But Ross gave me some Indian wonder medicine and I'm better now, except for my body feels like I've been hit by a truck. There are quite a few of us who have it, and we are the ones who have been here the longest. I hope no one else gets it :) Please pray for that. Great news, though! The spicy Indian food has had no effect on my stomach, praise God! Though you would think that it would knock any cold out that even thought of an attack... I think it might be the intense smog. It's pretty thick here, when you blow your nose, it is black. Not kidding you. I am sorry for the gross example, but it's the best way to explain it :) And something really weird happened to my eye yesterday. It was scratched by something, pretty badly, so I'm walking around with a crazy feeling eye. Very scratchy and sore. Yay for eye drops!!!
I am sitting out of the afternoon sessions so I can have some quiet time, rest and get well, send some updates, etc. We took our group photo today and it was so hilarious to try to squeeze all of us into a shot... People wore some traditional clothes and all looked great!
Speaking of shots... Last evening, they were shooting off fireworks late into the night, preparing I think for their Republic Day celebration which is the day they started their constitution on January twenty sixth, nineteen fifty. (they gained their independence from Britain on August fifteenth nineteen forty seven) Some of the number keys don't work, so I have to write everything out... We have been told to stay in our hotel, as Delhi can get pretty crazy on the Republic day, and it can be unsafe.
The schedule here is pretty tight and I'm trying to serve the best I can for now. It is difficult sometimes to be everywhere, thinking of all things, meeting needs of the people. The part I love the most though is serving the leaders, smiling, praying, encouraging them. That is good for my heart. I keep remembering something Inga said to me, "you will not be perfect" and I keep repeating that to myself. I am surely not this meeting, and it is good to keep me humble. :)
We had some leadership training today on "The Leader and Authority" and "The Leader and Attitude". Both were very good sessions, and I especially appreciated the session on attitude.
We shared with a leader yesterday from a country where persecution happens. He had been imprisoned twice for his faith and while in prison, he took the attitude that in six or eight months, you can really disciple people, so he spent his time discipling people he led to Christ. Amazing. God is so good! I have been encouraged and challenged by so many here...
I am going to sign off now, as I have a date with the most wonderful man,. Jesus. I have missed Him this past few weeks, not getting to spend nearly as much time with Him as I would like to, so I am going to now! I realize that apart from prayer and time with the Father, I will be of no use this meeting...
All in all, this has been a life-changing experience so far. I hope I don't forget the lessons I have learned, and will continue to grow from this for many years to come. I know there are so many ways God wants to mold me to be more useful for His glory! And I am so grateful for that!
Let me know how you are doing, if you get a chance. It is good to hear from you! How can I pray for you?
Love to you all,
PS Congratulations Emily and Jonathan - may God bless your marriage in incredible ways and use you for HIS glory! Have fun!!!
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