Saturday, January 20, 2007

Update 2 from India

Update 2 from India
Thank you dear Linda, Luke and Mom,
I don't have my laptop, so I don't have anyone's email addresses, but know yours.
I am sitting (for a perspective for you) squished between Jacob and John SR, with G. Ross behind me and some people looking over my shoulder in an internet cafe in New Delhi. It is in the basement of a big shopping area with many stores around (nothing like in America). It is loud and boisterous here! We received John and G. Ross last night around midnight, Jacob this morning and two men from M=anmar! We are all going to fellowship tomorrow (Sunda) with the Burm-e church here in Delhi.
I slept for seven hours last night! Praise God - I was very tired, and I'm still a bit tired today. But it is good :)
John and I worked for a while this morning after we greeted people and sent Steve and Stephen off to Varanasi - please pray for safe travels. We will meet again this afternoon with the conference hall manager to iron out details. I think it will be better than last year. Folks here are very laid back, but it is nice. The YWCA is nice, not too nice, but comfortable. We are literally next door to a Siek temple, and must be very close to a mosque, as we can hear the M-slim calls to prayer in the morning (actually, it woke me up this morning at 6:00). The smells, tastes, sounds, colors are different than anything I've ever experienced, and it is truly a blessing~! I kept thinking to myself (and Stephen and I were remarking yesterday) that it is just incredible to be able to experience this.
Yesterday, as I mentioned last night was amazing - the more I process it, the more I can see so much of God here. God wants these people so badly, you can see it. You can lose yourself in the sadness of a child's face when their eyes bore into your soul. You get good at not looking at/smiling at people sometimes, just to save yourself some time not being solicited to buy something.
Mom, the food here would make you happy - it is so good. Except this HOT chili stuff I had for breakfast today, the food is very mild.
We are receiving 58 people for the meeting, instead of 75 due to health, travel, visa issues. I think it will be an amazing meeting. I was meditating on the plane again on Philippians 2 and realizing how much I need God for this time - pouring myself out and letting Him be the glory.
I am going to attach some pictures for you here.
John SR is, shall we say, being a good papa here and laid the law down on the pervert taxi driver from the other night. I feel safer now that there are more men here with me and that I figured out how to get hot water (oh! you have to TURN the water heater ON :)) The other ladies arrive tomorrow and the next day (there will be three of us total until Suanne arrives on the 26th.)
There are still many issues to iron out (nothing big), but it will take time, patience and some great communication. John SR is wonderful to work with and very kind and very calm. I hope to learn from him :)

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of > unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart > and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ"

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