Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Final Update from India

Thank you once again for your prayers. I'm very tired today, looking forward to the next weeks, but a little weary, too.

I called Solo and Mary in Nairobi, Kenya this morning to check on them, see how they are doing. They sound like they are doing very well, and have already welcomed some leaders. I have been so engaged in these meetings, I haven't been as engaged helping them to plan in the past two weeks. I think they have done great, however, and we are looking forward to seeing them tomorrow! It is nice that we have an administrative coordinator in Africa to help Solo out and to take responsibility for the jobs I would have to do otherwise.

The Members Council meetings went well today. It was a long day of meetings, but we finished the whole agenda! We work with such a great group of leaders. Many policies and decisions were made today. The group is visibly tired at this point and in need of some serious refreshment! There have been many short nights this meeting for many of us. Many of us got four or five hours last night J and won't get much tonight, either.

Please pray for all those traveling home today and tomorrow and for the seven of us traveling to Kenya via Ethiopia in the middle of the night tonight. Galen, John, Mosa, Amos, Anne, Jacob, and I will travel to the airport at 10:00pm tonight for our 2:15am flight. We will arrive in Kenya on the 31st around noon (roughly 13 hours of travel/airports and some time zone changes). It's going to be fun to switch from one culture to an entirely new one and to experience something completely new to me once again. I have grown so used to the noises, smells, pollution, and mostly the dear people of India. I've even made some new friends among the staff of the YWCA.
God led me to share some encouragement with a young leader from N-pal last night after our Mentor Meeting with him. It was clearer that I needed to share with him than anything I can remember in recent history. As we closed our meeting praying for him, I sensed he felt like he was in a deep valley, fully covered by God, but finding no one (or very few) to walk with him. I shared with him that I understood even though he has been given many gifts, he often feels lonely, even when surrounded by many people. That I can see in him that he longs for someone to understand what God is doing in his heart, in his life. People don't understand him, since he can do a lot of things well, but even in that, he needs to remember the last clear call and stick to that. I felt that sometimes he is even singled out and his peers have a hard time fully accepting and encouraging him in his gifts. He really is so gifted, can communicate well, is a good teacher, a gifted worship leader, full of joy, can work with kids, adults, older people, and is so young – only 25. I also encouraged him that even if he doesn't have a clear vision, clear call, that his only vision and call needs to be Jesus, and to let Him show the way. I shared with him, too, that God has called me (finally, after years of wondering what God wanted me to do and having no clear direction) to what I hope will be my life call. To support, encourage, and go with the Church around the world to reach the lost.

Since I met him, I felt a very intense call to him, like he was my twin. And I found out today when his facilitator and mentor was sharing with me that the conversation really impacted him and that we have had very similar childhoods, similar testimonies, etc. There is such joy coming out of him, and I sensed that God wants to allow His joy to be complete in part through this young man. He kept clutching his chest as I talked and saying, "that is exactly how I feel". I was grateful that God asked me to encourage him. He has a cool name, too – it is Gopal. Pronounced Go-Paul. When he left today, I prayed for him and for his future wife. He will be married soon, and that excites me, as she will serve with him in whatever his call is. And so many of the things that he thought he would miss out on because of circumstances of his family, childhood, etc. were washed clean by the blood of Jesus and now he can share with this woman. I ask you to pray with me for this young man. There is something very special God is doing in his life.

God has been so good. I am amazed at what God is doing in these days. I am blessed to be here, to be able to serve God in these ways. I can't tell you what an honor it is to be a catalyst and be able to support those who are reaching the lost for Christ.

Tired, excited, and incredibly blessed one last time from India,

Monday, January 29, 2007

Closing Celebration in India

I am sitting here feeling quiet and a bit sad. So many leaders have left and the majority will be gone by morning tomorrow. We had a beautiful closing celebration. God is good. Praise the Lord. John Sankara Rao is here with me now and praises the Lord and thanks Him for your prayers. Every member of the meeting left with great joy and vision. They are looking forward to see the great things in and through their churches and personal lives. Thank you so much for your prayers, which mean so much.
We were encouraged today to serve as Jesus did. There was a time to welcome BREY as a member program, followed by a song by the brothers from N-pal. We prayed for the Members, followed by a song in Indonesian. Prayer for facilitator team (personally a very powerful time for me) followed by a song in which language??? Can't remember right now... After each thanks to God and prayer, we sang a worship song. B-rm-se, Hindi, Telegu, Penjabi, Ind-nesian, N-pali, Swahili. What a wonderful picture of what heaven will be like :) Talk about a beautiful party. We sang, danced, prayed, praised, cried, and rejoiced together! Some of us were presented with beautiful flower garland (like a lei) to wear as a thank you for our work and service. Ernesto made me cry, then Galen made me cry. Leaky tear ducts again. :)
I think people were really blessed. As a team, we have a lot of growing to do, we will learn much from this first regional meeting of how to improve, things we can do better.
But God showed up, unity was thick once again. So many cultures, languages connecting well and loving each other. The times of confession and forgiveness were such a blessing. Many confessed having less than wonderful feelings toward India and Indians, and that by being here, their whole mindset of the people and place has changed. That really blessed me.
My mind is racing right now, and we have a mentor meeting to get to, so I will sign off for now.
Please pray as we head into a full day of members meetings tomorrow and then fly to Nairobi tomorrow night (2:40am). This is a tight schedule and I have a new respect for Galen...
But once again, we THANK you abundandtly for your prayers. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We realize we could not have accomplished this without you.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Adventures in India

Again, Wow. If I could package this experience and make it short and sweet, I would. But it is simply impossible to share in a short time...
I awoke this morning, went to the bathroom to shower, turned on the light and screamed when a chipkali (lizard that is about four inches long and is chameleon-like, but not a chameleon AND smaller than a gheko) ran down my wall and towards me (I was between the lizard and the window). Bugs and lizards. Not used to them, but am getting pretty used to them. I understand he cannot hurt me, therefore, he is kind of cool now. He should have warned me first, perhaps written a note. "Excuse me ma'm. I enjoy warm, moist areas. I will take to resting behind your water heater. Sincerely, Mr. Chipkali Lizard". That would have been nice. He has taken up residence on my wall behind my water heater and is a bit freaky because he "blends" in with the wall and as such is whitish. Lizards should be green, right? :) I think I screamed because never before has my waking vision been of a lizard running at me.
I took an auto rickshaw with a punjabi girl (think of the most beautiful Indian girl you can picture, and that would describe Ruby) who is here and went to church at the outreach church in Delhi that's primary outreach is to street children and prostitutes. It was an intereresting service, but the part that touched me the most was the real love that was shown to those who this culture would deny love to. There were six little boys (maybe between 5 and 10) whose parents have all died of AIDS, and they are all HIV positive, too. Most people would not go near them, but today, as I shook their hands, heard their names, smiled, and looked into their eyes, I was reminded of what a precious gift we all have to give to people. It's the gift of smile and touch. Jesus did it so often. Why don't we?
After church, I DROVE in New Delhi! A missionary who is here named Saji who is from Los Angeles and is very cool, let me drive his family's car. Picture this. Wrong side of the road, stick shift (that is on the left of you, not the right), traffic that is (I've been told) the most terrifying in the world, four people on back seat, three kids and one adult in the "trunk" area (this is COMPLETELY normal here. They even drive with their kids on their laps). Me driving. We all survived and it wasn't hard. They honk like crazy here, so I did too. I was so excited, because afterwards, we went to lunch at Subway. Even that tastes super funky here. But it was a bit of home and NOT SPICY at all (yippee!!!). I ended up giving most of my lunch to the begging children though as we walked to get to our rickshaw for travel to a market. There are many heartbreaking things here. The children with matted hair, dirty bodies, broken limbs, bloody bodies are the hardest to accept. And I hope I never do accept it without a prayer or second glance. When did it become so hard to have true compassion?
I was able to purchase some gifts for my mom and sister today at market, which was fun. I am now a professional bargain shopper and have learned the art of negotiating (aka - white does not equal lots of money)...
This evening we said goodbye to some coworkers who are leading business development teams. I should have taken a picture of them, they were literally covered and surrounded by luggage in their taxi.
Most of the participants had a church service here, and then toured the area and spent time relaxing. We have run a very tight schedule, from about 6:40 in the morning until 8 or later at night, with no real resting... Galen thought it would be nice to let them have a day off :)
After dinner this evening, we met with one of the program leaders we serve here in India. He is from an anti-conversion area (2000 fine and 2 years in prison for sharing the gospel) and heard what God is doing. Weekly, they hear reports (multiple reports) of God healing people. This man's own mother was healed from cancer (after a seven year battle) when Christians prayed for her. That is how he became a Christian. As I listened to story after story of God at work through this program, I was amazed again that I get to witness any of this. God is calling to people, and actually giving them very little chance to deny Him. Would you be able to deny Christ if after someone prayed in His name for healing, you were healed? It's completely amazing to me.
I have learned the majority of what is wrong with me can be cured with an inhaler and some Tiger Balm. So if you were to walk into my room, you would smell strong smelling stuff in large doses. I literally cover my face with this yellow stuff and can breathe much better. However, please continue to pray. I think my lungs are not handling the dust and smog well here. I will be glad to go to the mountains of Kenya. I can't believe we start this process again in a few short days!
We have our closing day tomorrow (where did the time go?!??). We get to celebrate together and pray and worship together, which I am excited about. I will be dressed up in traditional Indian clothing by some of the women here.
Okay, that's enough of that. I will stop as it is bed time here for me.
May you be blessed today as you wake up. I will be sleeping here. Weird.
Love you!!!

Friday, January 26, 2007

India Update, Prayer, Challenges

Namaste from India!
Oh, if I could have only packaged yesterday and sent it to you all, you could understand the beautiful things that God did! We had our day of prayer and fasting yesterday and God moved and worked in some very great ways. There were times of confessions and forgiveness. To see godly men and women humble themselves before God and before each other is truly a gift.
The other night I couldn't sleep because at this point I am quite sick. Fever, body aches, coughing, etc. But still very healthy in the stomach :), which is amazing, since the food is HOT here! I have learned to not eat dinner, that seems to be the hottest meal, not kidding you, it makes you sweat. Anyway, I heard a familiar voice in the hall. It was Al, one of our coworkers from the US. It was 3 in the morning, and Tim, Suanne and Al were not supposed to be here until 11:00am (according to my schedule which was apparently a bit wrong...) So I jumped out of bed, ran into the hall, to find Galen (my boss) rubbing his head (he had mis-judged the distance from his bed to the wall and ran full force into the wall - he now has a mark on his head and one on his hand...:) and Tim and Suanne wondering where they should sleep... We had no room for them, so I moved to the girl's room down the hall and slept on a mat on the floor, so they could have my room until morning when another couple left and they could have their room. I didn't sleep actually, but I did listen to a lot of worship music and prayed a lot... The next morning as I got off the floor, I saw a four inch long milipede or centipede. Gross. I'm just glad it didn't bite me :) I have heard their bites are quite painful. But I did get a picture of it and refrained from squishing it :)
Even though I was sleepy and sick yesterday, God really blessed me. We were given a personal prayer time assignment of reading John 13:38-17 and to see what God said to us in that time. Afterwards, we all came back together and shared what God had given to us. We shared in incredible times of worship together, too. Such joy in serving the Lord!
Personally, I spent time yesterday asking God for forgiveness for things in my life that distract me or keep my focus from God. I want to be a daughter who has only Him on my mind. So often, I am so distracted with good things even that I don't spend nearly the time I want to with the Lord. If I desire to be like Him, I need to spend time with Him.
A brother from N-pal shared on the Essential Component "Dying to Self/Living for Christ" and we were challenged to not be like balloons (excited and puffed up when we hear a good sermon or teaching and deflated the rest of the time) but to really press in and "see God". What a great reminder to pursue God with all we have.
Work wise, it is going well, I am truly enjoying meeting these people, getting to know them, praying with them. However, I do not think I have ever had my picture taken so much in my life... They all want their picture taken with a white girl. Maybe at a wedding, but most likely, not even then... I learned to eat with my hands last night using my "natural spoon", which is three fingers and your thumb to scoop the food in (like they do around here and in N-pal - I think I will stick to spoons and forks, thank you...) from some of the brothers from N-pal. They are an incredible group of young men. Galen has nicknamed them "Band of Brothers". I can't even describe the seriousness and joy with which they serve the Lord. One of their fathers was forced to eat mud (with no water to wash it down). The only way to get out of it was to denounce Jesus. He would not. We heard other stories from that same country where a man was threatened with a knife at his throat to denounce Jesus. His response? "You can kill me, but I will never deny my Jesus". The man did not kill him, but ran away instead.
A woman shared yesterday about outreaches where lepers are being healed, about people being reached that most would not go to. The vision is simple. You disciple 12 people, and those 12 disciple 12 more. It's an incredible vision that is reaching many for Christ and there are so many stories of healing and changed lives.
Big prayer request: my coworker Steve and another young man Stephen who is assisting him with photography left two days ago for Ethiopia. Steve was very sick when he left here (similar to what I have, but a bit worse and with stomach issues) as was Stephen. I got an email today from Tefera in Ethiopia that Steve went to the hospital and the doctor told him to fly home for further testing... I am now in the process of waiting for the US Embassy to open and to be able to contact the men in Ethiopia to figure out if Steve should be on a plane for that long. Pray for healing for Steve and for wisdom for me as I try to figure out from India what to do with someone in Ethiopia...
I just met a young man who is here visiting his parents. He is with YWAM in a different part of INdia and his parents are missionaries here in Delhi (his father has been attending some of our conference). It was good to meet him and to hear about what he does. Wammers are so cool :) I was encouraged by him, and we only talked for about two minutes. Cool.
Tomorrow for church I will go with the TREK team from Canada to a church here in Delhi, then the girls are going to take me to a market to see some things and maybe buy some presents for people. They are a cool group of people, too. One of the leaders who is here, is definitely very strong and has written some books (with Dan Baumann) and you can tell when he speaks, you should listen :)
Alright, this is a very long blog, and if you have made it this far, let me know, and I'll bring you a treat from India ;)

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Update 4 from India

Update number 4???
I can't remember what number I'm on for updates... So I guessed!
Wow, I wish you could be here to experience this! The time I have had here with these leaders has been so good for my spirit!
I just spent the past two hours speaking to a group of leaders from N-pal. Their walk with Jesus is so encouring and their faith and choice in having a very positive attitude as they serve is wonderful! We laughed about emails, mis-communications, etc. we have had over the past year. What a joy to meet them finally! ONe of their programs starts on my birthday, so they are trying to get me to visit then... WHich I cannot do... not this year at least. They told me a lot about their country and two of them lead treks into the Himalayas. I have been invited to join them sometime. Sweet. They asked me to close our time together by praying for them, which was an honor.
I also had to have a very hard talk today with a young woman who is here that was flirting with so many of the men. It was one of the harder conversations I've had to have and I'm so grateful that it went well. It took a while for her to understand, but I think she heard my heart in regards to that situation....
I finished two teaching sessions today, the second of which was translated into Telegu, which was difficult, because you have to pause, sometimes before a thought is finished. I think it went okay, even though what I was sharing was probably a bit boring :) and I kept losing my voice during the talks...
Some of us are sick still and I can't quite figure out what it is - it is a weird combination of cold, nausea, fever, sore throat, congestion. It comes in waves and hits hard, then you feel okay, then it hits again. The three of us who have it are the ones who went and dipped our feet in the Siek temple water... Hmm...
We have our day of prayer and fasting tomorrow, and we expect very cool things! God has always shown up in big ways on these days and I couldn't be more excited for this one!
I wish you could meet these people, I really do. Their hearts for the Lord are just incredible and truly inspiring. My faith is being challenged daily.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Update 3 from India

Update 3 from Delhi Current mood: grateful
Hello once again! I am writing today at about 1:30 my time, which is in the middle of the night for most of you!
We have had a great first couple of days of meetings! Most are here now, and everyone is getting along very well. Once again, I feel so blessed to be here, serving. I am so grateful God has called me to this!
We have had our opening celebration along with the giving of the 2 percent so new programs can start around the world. It is wonderful to know these dear brothers and sisters are giving so freely of their resources so others can train and send their young people into the mission field!
I have experienced good health until yesterday, and now have something that resembles a cold or the flu. Body aches, sore throat, congestion, headache. But Ross gave me some Indian wonder medicine and I'm better now, except for my body feels like I've been hit by a truck. There are quite a few of us who have it, and we are the ones who have been here the longest. I hope no one else gets it :) Please pray for that. Great news, though! The spicy Indian food has had no effect on my stomach, praise God! Though you would think that it would knock any cold out that even thought of an attack... I think it might be the intense smog. It's pretty thick here, when you blow your nose, it is black. Not kidding you. I am sorry for the gross example, but it's the best way to explain it :) And something really weird happened to my eye yesterday. It was scratched by something, pretty badly, so I'm walking around with a crazy feeling eye. Very scratchy and sore. Yay for eye drops!!!
I am sitting out of the afternoon sessions so I can have some quiet time, rest and get well, send some updates, etc. We took our group photo today and it was so hilarious to try to squeeze all of us into a shot... People wore some traditional clothes and all looked great!
Speaking of shots... Last evening, they were shooting off fireworks late into the night, preparing I think for their Republic Day celebration which is the day they started their constitution on January twenty sixth, nineteen fifty. (they gained their independence from Britain on August fifteenth nineteen forty seven) Some of the number keys don't work, so I have to write everything out... We have been told to stay in our hotel, as Delhi can get pretty crazy on the Republic day, and it can be unsafe.
The schedule here is pretty tight and I'm trying to serve the best I can for now. It is difficult sometimes to be everywhere, thinking of all things, meeting needs of the people. The part I love the most though is serving the leaders, smiling, praying, encouraging them. That is good for my heart. I keep remembering something Inga said to me, "you will not be perfect" and I keep repeating that to myself. I am surely not this meeting, and it is good to keep me humble. :)
We had some leadership training today on "The Leader and Authority" and "The Leader and Attitude". Both were very good sessions, and I especially appreciated the session on attitude.
We shared with a leader yesterday from a country where persecution happens. He had been imprisoned twice for his faith and while in prison, he took the attitude that in six or eight months, you can really disciple people, so he spent his time discipling people he led to Christ. Amazing. God is so good! I have been encouraged and challenged by so many here...
I am going to sign off now, as I have a date with the most wonderful man,. Jesus. I have missed Him this past few weeks, not getting to spend nearly as much time with Him as I would like to, so I am going to now! I realize that apart from prayer and time with the Father, I will be of no use this meeting...
All in all, this has been a life-changing experience so far. I hope I don't forget the lessons I have learned, and will continue to grow from this for many years to come. I know there are so many ways God wants to mold me to be more useful for His glory! And I am so grateful for that!
Let me know how you are doing, if you get a chance. It is good to hear from you! How can I pray for you?
Love to you all,
PS Congratulations Emily and Jonathan - may God bless your marriage in incredible ways and use you for HIS glory! Have fun!!!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Update 2 from India

Update 2 from India
Thank you dear Linda, Luke and Mom,
I don't have my laptop, so I don't have anyone's email addresses, but know yours.
I am sitting (for a perspective for you) squished between Jacob and John SR, with G. Ross behind me and some people looking over my shoulder in an internet cafe in New Delhi. It is in the basement of a big shopping area with many stores around (nothing like in America). It is loud and boisterous here! We received John and G. Ross last night around midnight, Jacob this morning and two men from M=anmar! We are all going to fellowship tomorrow (Sunda) with the Burm-e church here in Delhi.
I slept for seven hours last night! Praise God - I was very tired, and I'm still a bit tired today. But it is good :)
John and I worked for a while this morning after we greeted people and sent Steve and Stephen off to Varanasi - please pray for safe travels. We will meet again this afternoon with the conference hall manager to iron out details. I think it will be better than last year. Folks here are very laid back, but it is nice. The YWCA is nice, not too nice, but comfortable. We are literally next door to a Siek temple, and must be very close to a mosque, as we can hear the M-slim calls to prayer in the morning (actually, it woke me up this morning at 6:00). The smells, tastes, sounds, colors are different than anything I've ever experienced, and it is truly a blessing~! I kept thinking to myself (and Stephen and I were remarking yesterday) that it is just incredible to be able to experience this.
Yesterday, as I mentioned last night was amazing - the more I process it, the more I can see so much of God here. God wants these people so badly, you can see it. You can lose yourself in the sadness of a child's face when their eyes bore into your soul. You get good at not looking at/smiling at people sometimes, just to save yourself some time not being solicited to buy something.
Mom, the food here would make you happy - it is so good. Except this HOT chili stuff I had for breakfast today, the food is very mild.
We are receiving 58 people for the meeting, instead of 75 due to health, travel, visa issues. I think it will be an amazing meeting. I was meditating on the plane again on Philippians 2 and realizing how much I need God for this time - pouring myself out and letting Him be the glory.
I am going to attach some pictures for you here.
John SR is, shall we say, being a good papa here and laid the law down on the pervert taxi driver from the other night. I feel safer now that there are more men here with me and that I figured out how to get hot water (oh! you have to TURN the water heater ON :)) The other ladies arrive tomorrow and the next day (there will be three of us total until Suanne arrives on the 26th.)
There are still many issues to iron out (nothing big), but it will take time, patience and some great communication. John SR is wonderful to work with and very kind and very calm. I hope to learn from him :)

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of > unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart > and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ"

Friday, January 19, 2007

Update 1 from India

I'm really tired so this is really short. I'll try to send more tomorrow. The internet at the place we're staying is not working, so we walked to a place about ten minutes away. Hello from India! what a day! I have to admit being exhausted from flying and from preparing, I was not all that excited to be in India, until I opened my window in the plane (the screen, not the window) and saw the lights at 2:00am in Delhi. This city of 15 million is bustling even then! The first thing that struck me when I stepped off the plane was the smell! Then the amount of people! Intense! We got to our hotel around 3:30am (included was a horrible cab ride that I'd rather not talk about. Let's just say the men here don't seem to have personal boundaries with women and one man now has fingernail marks in his hand and almost got hit hard by me)...This morning, I woke up at 7:30am, got ready, ate some good breakfast, then went into the city. Steve, Stephen and I visited a mosque, toured the city, ate lunch (Indian food is SO GOOD), rode in a rickshaw (aka the helicopter) went to a Jain temple, went to a Hindu and Buddhist temple, and then to a Shiek temple (coolest place we went today) to photograph and get video footage. I am now the proud owner of a real sari. I'll need to upload some sweet photos sometime when I can keep my eyes open. Delhi is not nearly as scary as I thought it would be, and hanging out with the guys was great today, definitely much safer than being alone :)The people here are REALLY friendly, always smiling at you and saying hi, and talking to you. Very refreshing. I have so many stories, and I haven't even been here 24 hours. I DEFINITELY recommend everyone coming here just once. It's such a great experience so far!Okay, that's good for now, we are going to go buy water. My coworker arrives tonight from Hyderabad and then the work begins!Thanks for your prayers and support!Jenny

Thursday, January 18, 2007

On My Way to India/Kenya!!!

Well, the preparations are done for Annual Meeting (well, mostly anyway :)) and I am now in London about to board my flight to New Delhi, India. I had to go through security twice here this morning and check one of my carryon bags :(... That was a test of patience, but I think I passed the test. I am with my coworker Steve which is nice to not have to spend more time alone... The flight here was good, and I am growing increasingly excited. I will be in India in 10 hours or so, and I can't wait. There is a bed waiting there for me. And lots of people I love. I am praying, though for extra grace. I'm tired and need all the grace I can get for this month of travel.
I enjoyed some peach rings overnight (thanks Luke :), slept for about 2 hours on the flight, and spent a lot of time really thanking God for what He allows me to do in life. I don't understand why I'm so blessed, except that God is just that good!
Thanks for your prayers! I'll write again soon.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Reminder of what I will see/experience on my trips

I received this today from a coworker I am working at these big meetings with, and I thought it was a cool reminder. He is right - I will get a taste of heaven at these meetings:
Sister Jenny,
After these things I beheld, and lo, a great multitude, which
no man could number, of all nations and kindreds, and people, and
tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed
with long white robes, and palms in their hands.
And they cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation cometh of
our God, that sitteth upon the throne, and of the Lamb.
And all the Angels stood round about the throne, and about the
elders, and the four beasts, and they fell before the throne on
their faces, and worshipped God,
--Revelation 7:9-12

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Call to Prayer for AM 2007

Call to Prayer Category: Jobs, Work, Careers
We had a meeting here today at work about prayer. As we met, it dawned on me that I should be more deliberate and disciplined in asking for friends/family to pray for Global Disciples and specifically for me. So, if you have a moment and would be willing to commit to praying during meetings, please let me know. I will be sending updates during my travels. If I don't hear back from you, I will try not to bug you with updates. Also, if you know anyone else who would be interested in praying, please have them send an email to me.
This task seems VERY overwhelming right now. There is a sense of "oh no, how will I ever get this all done?" happening to me right now. After 2006 Annual Meeting, I felt good about everything, that I knew what I was up to, but now it's all new again. I think I might be dealing with a bit of insomnia (you know, thinking about all that needs to happen, worrying that I have forgotten something, etc.), so please pray for rest for me leading up to the meetings.
My best friend called me yesterday afternoon and I went outside and walked for a while as I talked to her. It was nice to get my mind off work and to just enjoy her company over the phone and get some fresh air (THANK YOU, Christine!). I tend to forget to just relax this time of year. I thank God for little times of refreshing throughout the day. I remember last year, my friend Tim (who used to work here) reminding me to take time to unwind (thank you!).
During last year's meetings, there was a sense that God was speaking very clearly. I ask for your prayers today for the same outpouring of His Spirit and His Word. At each meeting, we will have a day of prayer and fasting together, as a group. Last year, it was an incredible time of fellowship with the Lord. The dates for prayer and fasting are January 26th and February 6th.
NOTE: For security reasons, I will not completely write out names of some countries.
Some points for you to be aware of:
Before I leave there are many duties to complete and tasks that are almost done and some I haven't even started yet. The Resource Manual (158 page book) that was updated now needs to be put together. The final copies are running as we speak J. There are volunteers coming in to help with various tasks. I need to make sure we have all flights and transportation as well as visas ready for each meeting attendee. This is no small task and we just discovered two days ago I had missed someone. Yikes. I am working with staff in India and Kenya to make sure all details are together, which is a difficult task since we all filter things differently and work differently.
I just took my first Typhoid vaccine today and it is making me pretty nauseous, I have three more doses left, so please pray I don't get too sick J. Once this vaccine is completed, I think I have almost every vaccine offered to travelers (eight in total). If not all of them, then I must be close.
Last year's meeting had right around 60 people. Two of the four meetings this year will have around 70 people each. It has dawned on me (I know, a bit late...) that I can't do this without a lot of prayer covering...
ASIA MEETING: January 21-31: I will be leaving on January 17th or 18th for New Delhi, India. I will arrive in New Delhi early in the morning (1:15am) and will begin preparing for and greeting other attendees immediately (well, hopefully I will sleep for a few hours first...). Our first meeting begins on the 21st after lunch. Please pray for safe travels, for good connections, and for the others traveling to the meeting. My flight times and airport times will be roughly 20 hours on the way to Delhi and the time change is 10.5 hours. Pray for jetlag to not be an issue.
During this meeting, there will be participants from many districts in India, N-pal, M-mar, B-desh, PRC (Ch-na), Philippines, Ind-nesia, Germany, U-stan, Zambia, Uganda, Bolivia, Ecuador, Canada, and of course, the United States J My duties (as far as I can tell from last year) will be to keep the meeting flowing smoothly, making sure everyone has what they need, input and notes for meetings, perhaps some evaluations, etc. I will also be responsible for some teaching, so please pray for that. I remember from last year, that I was joyfully exhausted and so I expect to be both incredibly happy and incredibly tired. It is such a joy to serve these leaders! I am looking forward to seeing some familiar faces as well as meet so many new ones. This is an exciting time of year. I get to meet the people I work for and have been praying for! This is also an incredibly special time, since this is the time of the year when the leaders are built up and encouraged, so when they go back to their homes, they are prepared to teach and send missionaries!
AFRICA MEETING: February 1-9: We depart January 31st for Nairobi Kenya. As you can tell, we only have one day between meetings, and it will be spent traveling. There will be many folks traveling together to that meeting from India (Yay!!!), which will make the 2:15am departure time more bearable J The flight times/airport times are as follows: 11.5 hours (not too bad!). We will have a layover in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia where we will meet up with more meeting attendees. No sleeping on our flights! The time difference between Delhi and Nairobi is 2.5 hours (eight hours different than east coast, US).
Participants for this meeting will be from Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, Zambia, Mozambique, Malawi, DR Congo, Burundi, Tanzania, N-pal, India, Switzerland, PRC, Mexico, USA, and Germany.
Meetings will be similar to Asia in duties, etc. with a bit more teaching. I will be able to see a former coworker, Lori, from Colorado while I'm there who will be on vacation in Kenya!
This will be by far the longest amount of time I have spent in airports/on airplanes ever, let alone in one month's time (56 hours total!!!) So that is what I'm up to these days! Exciting and stressful times, but I am so glad God has called me to do this. I really love it.
Thank you for partnering with me in prayer (as well as other ways!)
Once again, my heart and mind look at Philippians 2 and ask for prayers that God would help me to be a servant. Those verses seem to be something God has wanted to and continues to want to work in my life. That has been the cry of my heart for years.
'Til the WHOLE world knows...
Love to you,
Jenny Warner
Alliance Coordinator