We saw a large boulder field. Literally a field of boulders. Odd.
Oh, I also figured out why I'm stressed. Besides lots of big changes in my life (marriage being a big one, even though it's completely amazing, it's still a transition). Work has been crazy. Not like running around crazy, but a sustained for over a year sort of crazy... I had a great time of talking with my boss this past week, and it was good to discuss things. I feel better now, and I am so glad I'm here! It's a joy (if I remember to let it be) to work at such a rapidly growing pace. It's hard sometimes, though, so we are praying for an assistant. We need one desperately. I am once again in awe that God allows me to join Him in this work. What a blessing!
One of my favorite things about my job is that we pray together. Not every once in a while, but EVERY DAY! Today during our lunch as a staff, Linda shared the verse out of Corinthians that talks about having our faces unveiled. She shared that it's not a one time thing, but that we continually need to be unveiled for God's glory. It was a good reminder. She then sent us off for 1/2 hour to get alone with God and to ask for His revelation to anything that might be keeping us from total freedom. Pretty sweet.
I have been dealing with a lot of fatigue and recently some really intense headaches since my trip in the winter to Eth./India. So I will return to the doctor tomorrow to see if there are any repercussions from the nasty parasite issue. My system is noticeably konked out. I have not been sharing this widely, as I've been trying to remain positive and trying to learn to trust God for complete healing. But Nate and Galen both feel I need to get some blood work done and some extra tests, so I will do that.
Last week, our boss shared the following verses with us out of Psalm 62: One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard: that you, O God, are strong, and that you, O Lord, are loving.
AMEN! I thank God today for His strength and for His love. He is awesome in every way.

1 comment:
As one who has dealt with unknown chronic health issues, I am thankful you are finding some relief. While others may not fully understand your pain, it is a blessing to have partners, co-workers, friends, and family who surround you with love and care. We walk the journey with you. - Tim
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