Well, we did it again. Bradley Beach for the Fourth of July with some of our very favorite people! And my very first camping trip as a married woman - woop!

We headed out Thursday after work to set up camp, get ready for the weekend, and just enjoy nature! Nate worked hard to cut down a tree for our firewood (oak, we think, so it was HARD). I worked at setting up camp and cooking. I do love to cook, even in the wilderness :)

Our friends (Luke, Janine, Josh, Rosemary) arrived by 9:00 and we enjoyed some burgers and dogs. Thankfully we ate most of the brownies before the rascally racoon snuck off with the rest in the middle of the night :)
We woke up Friday and lounged around the campsite before heading to Bradley Beach! We do love this beach so much! The ocean! The sand between your toes! Friends! Cheese! Watermelon! It was awesome. Oh, except, like last year, the water was SUPER COLD! So we didn't brave it too much, except our fish friend Luke, who is crazy... Sometimes... We got to catch up with the Landis' and Brennan's, too, which is always a treat! Such dear people!
After an evening of S'mores, food (very little bread and buns, thanks to aforementioned rascally racoon who CHEWED OPEN our very hefty camping box - you know the ones, the rubbermaid ones... yeah... R.A.S.C.A.L.!!!!), and talking by the fire, we retired for the night, only to be awakened by a big rain storm! So Nate and I ran to the guys/girls tents and slept in there for the night.
We were going to go to the beach again, but laziness or intelligence, made us decide to head home early, which I'm glad we did. Putting stuff away always takes a long time! Oh, but it's SO WORTH IT!
God is so good, His creation is awesome and His love is unending. I'm enjoying being challenged daily by His life and by His love. I don't know why He chooses to allow me to experience this life, but I do love it so much. I am challenged today to live a life more grateful. Even for the things that bug me. So I will try. On His strength....
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