1 Peter 5:1To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, a witness of Christ's sufferings and one who also will share in the glory to be revealed: 2Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; 3not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. 4And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.

I remarked to a friend yesterday about the depth of some of the relationships God has entrusted to me. I am humbled that He would trust me to walk with anyone, to speak into anyone's life. I was talking about this very special young woman named Christina who is graduating from high school today and the wonderful ways I've been able to know her. She is a gem of a person. A real joy to be around. I pray that God guides and leads her all the days of her life. That her focus could remain complete in Him and her worth would be found only in Him. She has been interning here at GD for the past six months (for free :) and helping me out a lot. She also has been keeping me sane with a large dose of laughter during my most stressful times. I thank God for her. Today, my boss wondered if she would be willing to work with us for the next year while she takes some classes. So I might get to see a lot more of her. God, I pray that you would increase her and use her in the nations!
I think about the depth of relationships I've had in the past and I have now. God has gifted me with friends and family spread around the globe and across this country. I think of friendships God has allowed me to have for years, since I was a young girl (Christine, I love you); I think of "families" I have scattered around the US. While I don't have a large family, God has given me many families who love me (Weavers, Hess', Baitis', Keetons, Rickards, and many more). I have been gifted with a group of friends that blows me away with their love and kindness and the ways they correct and challenge me. Thank you, Lord, for the love you lavish on me through them.
This morning at work, my boss Galen was leading prayer and shared the verses above. Not that we are elders or pastors (well, some are to an extent), but that we have been entrusted to an incredibly diverse and wonderful group of relationships. He shared with the group that for someone my age, to have the favor of God to speak into the lives of over 100 leaders scattered across the nations is amazing. He shared that I have a role in refining, encouraging, etc. I guess on some level I knew that, but to hear it made it a bit more real. I am humbled. Completely. I am amazed that God would allow me to do this, to be part of lives around the world and here. It also made me realize I need to be even more focused on the Lord and his leading if I'm going to do this well. That as I completely rely on Him, He will open my heart and my mouth to share with others. What a wonderful and amazing God we serve! I DO want to serve God and be with His people. God, may this servant of yours be a sweet offering to you... May I be found worthy in Your sight of the calling You have placed on my life...

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