Worship during Annual Meeting - Day Two
My "desk" in Bolivia - I feel badly working during the meetings, but I'm so far behind... I think I was working on the grant spreadsheet and calculations for the grants... Yeah!
Last night we celebrated a couples 10th wedding anniversary with cake and a celebration. They are a dear couple who are serving from Colombia in Panama. 
We just all joined hands and sang a song that translates to "Lord, we take our crowns to Your throne and we give You the best of our lives".
Thank you for all who are praying and all who have sent me...
Wow. I am not quite sure where to start since I left out an entire day... But these meetings have been incredible. We had our opening celebration yesterday and enjoyed a great day of teaching and prayer and worship.
Right now we are discussing what God taught us during some learning activities. Some had the opportunity to confess sins to each other, others were to serve people, others were to be completely silent. God seems to be moving by His Spirit in big ways here at these meetings. I am excited to see what He has in store. I think this meeting might knock my socks off. There are about 40 leaders here today from Latin America for the most part. It has been excellent. Right now there are more Latin Americans serving as missionaries serving to "our cousins" in very hard areas than any other people group. That's pretty incredible. God has a lot for these men and women to do and to experience. And I get to be here and serve alongside them and serve them. Before I came here, I was at peace about the planning and preparations (for the most part) for the meetings. I knew that God was going to do something great in this time and do something completely different and special here. Our first day of meetings, yesterday, I told Galen that I really sensed that God was going to do some exciting and amazing things here...
I have also had a chance to catch up on some long overdue work. I have been busy updating grants, recording information, and writing emails that I have not been able to focus on because of my travel/preparation/meeting schedule, so I thank God for this time.
Before and during my trip here, I was asking God what passage of Scripture He had for me for this time in my life as I serve God and serve these people. He led me to Isaiah. Not just one chapter or verse, but the whole book of Isaiah. So I have been reading that, not knowing exactly what He has for me. I am excited for it, however.
This has been such a special day. We had a lesson on the Leader and Attitude, the Leader and Authority (submitting, not always being the authority, but how to lead with submission to the Ultimate authority) and it has been very special. There is a time of brokenness happening now and I am excited about it... It will be painful for us, but also incredibly full of God's blessings. God is calling leaders right now to be broken of their pride, their denominational ties, and the desire to see their ministry succeed more than to see the hand of God move.
"Lord, send Your rain down, and Your love. Come and visit me, change me" - the song being sung right now by the leaders as they kneel on the ground, weeping and crying out to God. "You love me, You love me, You love me. I love You more than my life. You gave me a name. I am the girl (nina in spanish means girl, but they also call the pupil of their eyes nina...) of Your eyes, and You love me". All of this is happening in Spanish, but is wonderful, because the Spirit of God is allowing of us to understand and to be together. A prayer: God forgive us. Our love for You is great. Let our love lead us to serve You here in Latin America. Let us go into the world. Let us share Your love in all the countries of the world... The enemy is attacking, but there will be victory in the name of Jesus. (This is the best I can do in my understanding of Spanish...)
"I ask You for the peace of my city, the peace of my city. I ask forgiveness for my city. I now bow down and I will look for Your face. Who can I go to if this is not You?" Another song being sung...
Jorge is now praying or unity in Latin America, even among the countries. He has asked people to pray for the countries they have prejudices against. I have had to confess to a prejudice I didn't realize I had until I got here, a fear in essence of a certain group of people. I realize I am suspect of people from Mexico. Why? I do not know. But God is asking me to repent and be released from it. I asked my coworker Raquel from Mexico to pray with me and to repent on behalf of me for her people. God calls us to love each person equally. To love as He loves. In my human sight, I forget to do that and I forget to trust Him for it.
"Maravilloso, maravilloso, Jesus". Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus...
One man is repenting. I don't know what is happening, but he is on the floor crying out, "perdon", which I think he means "forgive me". There is a group around him praying... It is very intense. They are sharing that nothing can happen out of God's control. God forgives him. God needs leaders like this. Broken ones. God is moving...
We just all joined hands and sang a song that translates to "Lord, we take our crowns to Your throne and we give You the best of our lives".
Galen has been led by God to go around the circle and pray for each and every leader that what God has started here today, He will bring completion in our lives. Only as we come to the end of ourselves and realize our complete inadequacy, is He able to show His complete adequacy through us.
I must go now. Please keep praying for us. We love you all.
I must go now. Please keep praying for us. We love you all.
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