We've had visitors from NY :)
We've traveled around our area, taking in all of God's awesome creation around us.
We held our first ever Oktoberfest Sports and Tailgate party, which was so much fun! Thanks friends for being in our lives - you bless us!
We've thrown surprise baby showers and welcomed new little friends into the world. Elliana Rose, we adore you already. And to Baby BOY Hoover (Sheldon and Mindi), we look forward to meeting you!!! (first boy on Hoover side - he'll be welcomed by four little girls - sisters and cousin)
We've gotten to know new friends and have spent time with old friends.
We've spent time outside, inside, learning together, and growing more than we thought possible.
We've celebrated birthdays and missed out on celebrating with others we love so much (mom and Gretchen, we love you!)
We've been to a wedding (Nate was a groomsman).
We have now seen the first ever African American president elected. Wow. I honestly never thought I'd see that. And while I don't agree with his views on all issues, I have to admit, I'm challenged to pray like crazy for him and for our country. He has a big job and I believe God can grab him like he did that one day on the road to Damascus with a man named Saul. Imagine what could happen if he had a really intense encounte with Jesus. Our country and our world would never be the same. I'm praying for that, as he has access to places many of us never will... I've been disheartened by the FEAR and what appears to be blatant hatred I've seen in my brothers and sisters in Christ. Come on - we have NOTHING to fear. God is sovereign and God is good. He has a plan and it far outweighs anything I can perceive. So, whether we are happy or sad about the outcome of the election, we can choose faith, not fear. We can choose to trust God and His sovereignty no matter what... Speaking of trusting God...
We have been rabbits for a marathon. This is possibly the freshest in my mind as it just happened yesterday. As Curtis (Nate's sister Sheila's hubby) ran in the marathon and faced the test of feeling like he would pass out, I was reminded of how precious our walk with the LORD and OTHERS is. How we all get to be together on this journey, to support, encourage, and hopefully more often than not, strengthen one another with love. Curtis, you did a great job! We're so proud of you for pushing through and we know your Father in Heaven is proud of you for persevering. All for His glory. Awesome. It was also fun to see your wife concerned for you and so proud of you... Love is cool. I'm challenged by the testimony of those who don't give up, even when it hurts. Nate ran last year with severe cramping in his legs at the end and still finished. Curtis ran this year when he thought he wasn't going to make it. That's God at work in and through you. Thanks for challenging me.
I have to make one more note, from me to my dear husband... I cannot begin to tell you or the rest of the world what it has meant to be married to you. The care, love, and strength you show and WALK OUT daily puts me in a place of immense awe. You are incredible. Your walk with the Lord amazes me. Thanks for being used by Him in my life to challenge and bless me.
We miss some of you so much! It's been far too long since we've connected. But also know, we love you!!! You are in our hearts and minds daily!
We have been rabbits for a marathon. This is possibly the freshest in my mind as it just happened yesterday. As Curtis (Nate's sister Sheila's hubby) ran in the marathon and faced the test of feeling like he would pass out, I was reminded of how precious our walk with the LORD and OTHERS is. How we all get to be together on this journey, to support, encourage, and hopefully more often than not, strengthen one another with love. Curtis, you did a great job! We're so proud of you for pushing through and we know your Father in Heaven is proud of you for persevering. All for His glory. Awesome. It was also fun to see your wife concerned for you and so proud of you... Love is cool. I'm challenged by the testimony of those who don't give up, even when it hurts. Nate ran last year with severe cramping in his legs at the end and still finished. Curtis ran this year when he thought he wasn't going to make it. That's God at work in and through you. Thanks for challenging me.
We miss some of you so much! It's been far too long since we've connected. But also know, we love you!!! You are in our hearts and minds daily!