Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A relaxing weekend with lots of good friends

John 1:16From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.

Ah, I will call the last seven days of my life "refreshing". I don't know how else to describe it. I can't believe so much has happened in such a short time. I feel like just yesterday I was flying in an airplane across North America. But that was seven whole days ago! I am grateful and blessed beyond belief that God has called a group of really wonderful men and women together as friends. I am so encouraged and blessed by them!

I got to ride a horse on Saturday at Nate's house! We rode for a while around some fields, through a tree nursery and on some roads! What a joy. I told Nate I was going to have a permanent smile on my face for the rest of the week! We also enjoyed a bonfire at his family's home with some friends. Josh rode a horse for the first time and survived quite well, I would say... Way to go Josh! And thank you Nate for sharing with us all. Your home is so peaceful.

Giddyup Cowboy (in shorts and tennis shoes ;)

For Sunday and Monday, we went for a trip to a retreat/camp and hung out in the rain (lots of rain...). We went to an interesting church service with some spirit-filled Amish who have been praying 24 hours a day for the past 50 days and have seen God move mightily in that time. How wonderful that they are experiencing such freedom! I wish we could have been there for more of it.

I learned many things about my friends this weekend:

1. Nate can build lots of stuff and is quite handy to have around on camping trips :) He also likes to swing, which is of course makes him even cooler than before

2. Luke can build a fire that doesn't seem to burn out...

3. When given an umbrella and a chance, Josh will protect a fire so we can enjoy it after the storm passes, even when drastic measures cause him to lose his leg hair.

(Luke's great fire and Josh's protection - note the umbrella)

4. Building a shanty and a trench is fun with this group of friends :) Tarps are awesome.
Tasha, Nate, and Justin trying to make the lantern work. They were successful!

5. Luke is an excellent mountain pie maker.

6. I love waking up to birds singing and the first light of day and just spending time with the Lord. Oh wait, I already knew that, but was reminded of that goodness.

7. Luke should not walk away from his "apparatus" - Vanessa is a comedian.

8. Nate is also a good navigator and leader. I am not sure he likes my new nicknames for him (which include weather man, billy goat, etc.)

8.5 Josh has big arm muscles...

9. I like hammocks in the shade of trees in the woods. Resting and being content in the Lord is great...

10. I love to pray with my friends... Ministry is fun when you're with people who are desirous of God...

11. Some are morning people and some are not...

12. I like fire-roasted pineapple and pepperoni (thanks Nate, I don't think I would have figured that out :)

13. Worshiping, praying, and experiencing God are awesome in the woods of PA. I am so glad God has called this my home.

God really challenged me when I had my quiet times to really lay down my life for him. All of it, not necessarily in physical death (though I would do that, too) but in all of the things I seem to hold so dear. I pray that day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, I would be able to lay down all the things in my life that I hold on to. Even the things that God has given me. Nothing is mine, it is all for the display of His glory. Thank you, Lord for allowing me to know you and experience you. I was reading in John 13 when Jesus ask Peter if he would really lay down his life for him? He knew, of course, that he would deny Him. The way it is written "really lay down your life?" strikes me. "Really" in the dictionary means truly, unquestionably. Wow.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Journey West

One more trip down! I have returned home from a wonderful, exciting, relaxing, refreshing, and challenging time in Vancouver, BC. What a joy to serve with such amazing men and women of God. I am so grateful for how God spoke and worked in our lives during the meetings. It was the smallest meeting in size this year, but the most personally impacting for me. I came home changed in my relationship with God. I got to pray with men and women and dream for God's plan to be unfolded in the nations. It was a lot of flying and airport time for a short meeting, but it was so worth it!

The crew in BC (missing Evy)
The tree house at the Mark Centre. If you ever want a wonderful retreat place, visit the Mark Centre in Abbotsford, BC. Breathtakingly peaceful! During our meetings, we reflected on Romans 4:20-21 20Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21being fully persuaded that God had power (GOD IS ABLE!) to do what he had promised.

Our meeting room. Not bad. I was blessed to meet some new friends/coworkers in Vancouver and to reconnect with others who have a heart to share Jesus with the world! May God bless them abundantly.

Bocce!!! Played four games, and for all the trash talking I did, I only won one of them... There were some good players there! Sunset over the mountains
Sunrise on my way to the airport coming home...
The view from my room...
Totem Poles

The bridge connecting North Vancouver to Vancouver City.
I got to see my mom and some good friends in Denver on my way to Vancouver, what a joy!

The madre
Two days before I left for the trip, I got to see my good friend Allison and her two boys. What an incredible woman of God! I got to love on Josiah, too, which is always great! He is growing so big and I remain incredibly blessed to know him and to watch him grow. May he follow God all the days of his life! It's hard to imagine I was there the day he was born and that my room used to be right next door to his. What a little blessing!

With Josiah before the trip - I love this little boy!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Broken and Rebuilt

There are a few times in my life where I have really sensed God's heart for me. One of those times came this past weekend. While it's shocking when God reveals certain things to you, it certainly is a joy and honor to walk through it with Him.
There have been many conversations with friends in the past few weeks/months about relationships, family, etc. I have come away each time feeling a bit of unease with some of the conversations and our apparent focus on certain things. Some of the guys in our group are good at not objectifying women and some are not so good... I know men are, by nature, more visually inclined than females, so part of this makes sense to me. What was most disturbing last week as we talked was a particularly lengthy discussion on one young woman's looks. Not once was her character or her personality mentioned (and this happens quite frequently in the discussions with varying ladies). So all I knew at the end of the 10 minutes was that she was "really, really good looking". I could assume a few things, like that she is compassionate - her profession was mentioned, so that is how I could conclude that.

I guess part of me is saddened by that for many reasons. Mostly because it seems even today, even among Christians, the true emphasis is on looks. I might be wrong, but that is what I could conclude.
Anyway, that was a side note.

After a wonderful BBQ meal and a peaceful night listening to the rain fall and watching the drops hit the pond, I was riding home with a very unfortunate male friend of mine (you will find out why I say unfortunate very soon) when all of the sudden, I had a moment of breaking. Through some discussions throughout the night and the preceding nights, I came to realize that I will never have a man be afraid to ask for my hand in marriage (because I don't have an earthly father around) and that I have missed that presence in my life. I also realized that when my friends say how strong I am and I'll need a very strong man to marry me, it makes me sad. And I couldn't quite figure out why. Now, don't get me wrong. I love my Heavenly Father and am beyond happy that I get to know Him. What is tough, however, is that not only did I not have a father for most of my life, the few years I did know my father were very hard ones. Ones that looking back now, I can weep for that little girl who simply longed for someone to love her like a daddy should. I remember so many times feeling that who God made me were the very things my earthly father hated me for. I was born strong. My mom claims she knew when I was born that I would be the spiritual one. That makes sense why my dad hated me then... You see, my father was involved in some horrible things. Things that even if I knew all of it, would make my blood boil. Things that would terrify even the worst of people. Growing up, though, I always, always knew God loved me. He walked so amazingly with me. I love Him for all that He has been and all that He has allowed me to survive. I can truly say that I know my Savior and I love Him with all of my heart.
So now to the part of my unfortunate friend. Guys are not big fans of women crying, as far as I am aware :). We were driving down the highway in the rain and he was talking about being afraid of certain men (as in asking for hands in marriage), how strong my husband will have to be, etc. when I just broke. I started crying. Pretty softly at first, as I bit my lip praying I could stop. I didn't want to cry in front of this friend. It didn't stop. It continued like a train on a hill that couldn't slow down. It's one thing to let my friends see my heart for ministry and another entirely to let them see my vulnerability personally. I'm not sure if he saw me crying or if it was my rare silence (trying not to talk for fear he would hear my voice crack) and he asked if I was okay. I decided to be honest with him (poor guy) and just let it all out, well as much as I could figure out at that point. He ran into a store to get something and I sat in the car listening to the rain and reading my Bible, trying desparately to focus on something other than myself to stop the crying. Didn't work, but God continued to minister. As we drove to my house, the crying and talking continued. When we reached my house, my friend told me to talk it out. But I couldn't. I simply could not quite figure out why I was so upset, but knew I needed to find out. My friend prayed for me and I went inside, where I wept.
I also read. And continued the weeping. I have been reading a book by Beth Moore called Breaking Free. What a powerful tool God has used for my life. The part of the book I happened to be in was discussing how God feels about people who victimize children and how He deals with them. It also talked about broken families, generational bondage, etc. I read it and was amazed at what I saw. I fell asleep that night crying. I awoke the next morning crying as well. I wonder if it's possible to cry while you're sleeping. If so, I think I must have. I turned to the chapters in the book called Hearts Broken in Childhood, Hearts Mended by Truth, Hearts Broken by Betrayal, and Hearts Broken by Loss. Talk about perfect timing. I guess God's pretty good at that! I thought, what would happen if I tried to find my dad? Should I call him? I came pretty close, except I had a few people who know the situation very well tell me why I shouldn't call him (knowing my life would actually, literally be in danger, and reminding me that the last words my dad uttered to me were, "I will kill you if I ever find you") and thus decided calling him would be a bad idea. Have you ever had things happen in your life when you just want answers? You just want to know why? How? And you want to believe that person is different?

Instead, I wept and cried out to God. The deep kind of weeping that comes from so far within you that you didn't even know those places existed. I decided to stay home from church and push through it. I pushed and I prayed and I cried out. I did stop crying briefly, only to start again when another unfortunate guy friend called and I shared with him. One thing I have noticed in my life is that I live under a cloud of shame for my family. Thinking that no one good will possibly love me because of where I have come from. I peeled off layer after layer of hurt, pain, rejection, and abuse. I had to come to grips (again) with the fact that there is a person or persons out there who would rather I be dead. Isn't it great that God, the ultimate protector has my back?
So here's what I came up with after the layers were peeled back:
I have to deal with the pain of knowing a dad who didn't love me. The cure? God, the Heavenly Father's undying, unconditional, amazing love.
I have to deal with the pain of being hated for who God made me. The cure? God, in His infinite wisdom has made me just right for His plans.
I have to accept the fact that I will never have an earthly father and that's okay.
I have to accept the fact that I will not have a dad to scare off men (even though I think I'm good at that myself, thank you very much). All jokes aside, though, I must learn to trust God more in that area. I think if anyone can be scary where a daughter is concerned, it's God. Yes!
I have to grow through the pain of a childhood lost and dreams that were never dreamed. The fact is, that God has given me dreams that amaze me. Dreams that might never have come true if not for His grace. I am living a life better than any dream I could have come up with.
I have to let go of shame. It's not my fault that people in my life treated me badly or have done bad things. One of my friends told me that the man I end up marrying is not marrying my family, they are marrying me. Thus banishing another lie I've heard from men in my past...
I have to allow God to continue to heal me. I have to continually learn to banish the words (lies) that have been spoken over me, telling me I'm not good enough, my family is too horrible, I'm too ugly.
I get to fulfill (someday) the dream of reconciling generations to come in my family so that the bondage and sin that have continually been an issue in my family can be broken. The cycle of abuse and hatred and horrifying sin stops here. My children and my children's children will be different. They will be generations who love and serve Jesus. I sense this is a huge call God has on my life.
I have to accept the fact that I may never know what my dad is like now. Or tomorrow. Or next week. I have to let go of wanting to know all the answers and accept that for now, the only answer I have to anything is found in the great I AM.
I get to believe the experiences in my past, both things done to me and things I've done, do not dictate who I am. They are a part of my life, but my real worth comes from Jesus.
I get to trust God more.
I get to be open and honest and vulnerable with people (the first steps were on Saturday and Sunday with Luke and Josh and last night with Rosemary) and this is another step.
I get to thank God even more for the incredibly strong and loving mom He gave me. I will never know the fear she had to go through to protect us. I will never know the pain she must have felt. I am so grateful that God gave me to her and her to me. We see things differently so often, but I don't doubt her great love for me.
I get to thank God for a sister who walked through all of this with me (and much worse) and that we can have that one other person who knows what we went through completely. I thank God for how well she took care of me. I pray she will someday get back the parts of her life that were snatched from her.
I thank God for those He has brought into my life to protect, cheer, weep and just be there. There is one family who has meant more to me in this area than they'll ever know. Thank you for giving me new hope all those years ago. I think you know who you are... God used you to save my life in many ways and I will forever be grateful for you.
God, help me to heal completely for YOUR glory. Help me so that I can love You more and be more useful to You.
Thanks too, to God for the incredible men He has placed in my life. Thank you for letting me cry on your shoulders. And for being such a wonderful picture of what a godly man is (don't worry, I don't think you're all perfect :)). I thank God that I can see it in you all even if I didn't get to see it when I was young. You will never know what your words and your prayers have meant to me. God breathed life to me through you (Luke and Josh, really, I thank you.)
God is healing that which was broken all those years ago. He is truly giving me a heart of flesh instead of one of stone with all of my self-made walls. I don't doubt there will be more tears, more growth, and more crying out to God in the coming weeks and months, but in the end, when I can continue to stand victorious in Christ, that is and will continue to be... Simply awesome.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Answered Prayers

What a joy to pray for the nations (this one and others, too!) I have recently been reminded over and over of the power of prayer. God has been graciously showing His faithfulness to us here at work and in other areas of my life.

I have recently been able to pray and see God's miracles in abundance.

One miracle was the birth of twin boys in a foreign country to a missionary couple from the states. The babies tried to come out five weeks ago at 27 weeks in a less than fovorable situation/country and God was faithful. They were just born at 32 weeks and are both doing better than expected. God is good!

One thing we have prayed for is the growth of the GDT Alliance. Not so we can have big numbers, but because, quite naturally, if there are more programs, there will be more missionaries GOING. Praise God. We now have the privelege of working with 74 programs around the world (there were 26 in January 2005). It seems that almost daily lately, I have received an application for a new program. Multiplication is happening. We are blessed. I hope I see the day when workers are sent from every country to every nation, tribe, and tongue. I am still relatively young, so I'm praying hard for that to come true!

I prayed so hard for months when I moved here to make good connections with friends. I have been blessed beyond what I could ask or imagine in that department with friends old and new. Some of them challenge me SO much with their lives and for that I thank God.

I have also seen God's faithfulness to prayers in forming a Global Prayer and Support Team (GPS). I am planning (along with some friends) to meet the first week of June most likely to discuss support raising, awareness, prayers, etc. I am hopeful that from the meeting, we can brainstorm ways I can (with others) be more effective in those areas.

I am reading a book right now by Beth Moore called Breaking Free. It deals with unbelief and the fact that even as "believers" we still wrestle with really believing Him. I know I struggle. I pray that God would continue to give me more belief. He is worthy.

Thank you for all of your love and support. I pray that you are experiencing God's great faithfulness as well!


Thursday, May 3, 2007

Some older pics of the gals!

I have been blessed with some really great girl friends out here! It is great to enjoy life together!!!

These are some pictures from a swing dancing night over Christmas break. Gretchen (my sister) was out here and we all went out for some lessons/dancing! What fun!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Spring - Time, Friends, and Fun!

Vanessa, Justin, Jenny, Nate at Justin's Baptism
Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Justin gettin' dunked!

At the GD banquet at Willow Valley
With two of my favorite men at the ballgame!

First outdoor BBQ of the season with friends and Gabriel from Mexico City.

With the Merino's from Mexico City
With Amos from Zambia!
What a wonderful few weeks! I have been able to experience life with friends and coworkers here as well as with friends and coworkers from around the world! God has granted us favor and grace as we have come out of a wonderful time of banquets here at work. I got to see old friends and meet some new ones, too. My faith was stretched and I was forced to grow a bit more in my faith :)I have wonderful friends and family. Sometimes it's hard to imagine not being here, what life was like before this. I know I loved that, too, but I know I'm in the midst of something beyond me. Far beyond anything I ever imagined.I am gearing up for a meeting in Vancouver BC later this month (three weeks away!). I'm excited for this meeting as it will be a smaller version of what we've done elsewhere. This meeting will focus primarily on the North America/European programs and what God is doing in those regions. It will also be a time of refreshing as we head to Pender Island for the meetings.I have been attending a church here for a bit over a month. It has been fun (mostly to be with Kent and Erin again) and to just be somewhere. I haven't met very many people yet, but that will come in time.I got to go to my good friend Justin's baptism the other night. I love baptisms! They are one of the most exciting things for me to experience. The church service was incredible and worshiping the Lord with some folks I love was a beautiful experience. The pastor preached out of Mark 4 and I was blessed as he was explaining the storm and how the disciples were asking Jesus why he didn't care and why he wasn't doing anything. The pastor said, "it wasn't that Jesus didn't care, it was that He wasn't worried." Ah, isn't it refreshing to know that in the midst of storms, we have a Creator and Savior who cares, but isn't worried.God, help me to let you hold my life in your hands. I have nothing to worry about...