I received this today from my coworker Jon and it struck me and I thought I could share it!
Hello dear co-workers,
In the past couple of days I've been reading in the book of Joshua and have been especially relfecting on the way the Levites were treated in the division of the land among the tribes. A verse that summarizes God's direction:
Jos 18:7 The Levites, however, do not get a portion among you, because the priestly service of the LORD is their inheritance.
Did the Levites lose land or did they gain God? It's a matter of perspective. As I reflected on the situation I wondered if the Levites were tempted, as I am sometimes, to want to be like everyone else. I can hear them, or their kids asking...
Why can't we just have land and an inheritance like everyone else?
Why don't we get a regular pay check like others?
Why do we have to wait on others to give to us?
Why is Dad gone to Jerusalem for a month at a time?
Why do my cousins live far away when everyone else lives close to theirs?
Yes, it can look like a loss...if we forget the reason that God has called us and what He promises to us.
God clearly called the Levites to a very different life and that continues to be his pattern and is His call for us at Global. Let's rejoice in the inheritance that God does give especially to us...a broader perspective on His work in the world, opportunities to see God's miraculous provision on a regular basis, a close relationship with Him, the privilege of serving Him "full-time" (I know others are also called to full-time service, so don't send me emails on that!),
It is God's plan for some to be called out to serve in ways that require others to support them and it is His plan for others to provide that support. Let's be grateful for those God has called to support us...and grateful for his call upon our lives and the inheritance He offers as we respond to that call.
Praying for each part to do its part....until the whole world knows.
Your fellow Levite,
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Birthdays, Visits, Friends
Flags at the game
The landing at the ballgame
Josh's birthday dinner in Little Italy
Hmm. Where do we go from here?
So much fun has happened since I returned home! We have celebrated a couple of birthdays, gone to Baltimore to hang out, celebrate a birthday, and pick up my cousin Stephen, and celebrated another birthday!
Stephen flew in last week to take me to a baseball game (Phillies vs. his beloved Braves). It was a beautiful day at 75 degrees, perfect baseball weather!
We spent the day he flew in touring Baltimore and celebrating my friend Josh's birthday in the Inner Harbor and Little Italy. We toured the Baltimore Museum of Art, hung out at ESPN Zone, ate in Little Italy, enjoyed food from a wonderful Italian dessert store, and relaxed in the fun atmosphere of Little Italy.
We returned home that evening and continued the fun with my friends, and showed him around Amish country in the days that followed. The baseball game was good, it even went into extra innings and his team beat the Phillies (actually took the series), so he was pretty happy about that! We had great seats, good company, and generally a good day, until we left to go home and got stuck in some pretty intense traffic.
It was great to have him here, and what a blessing!
We celebrated my friend Vanessa's birthday this past weekend with some Peruvian food at El Serrano's. Then ended the night at our friend Josh's house with live jazz on a sax (thanks Joey! joeydundore.com) and a long, interesting talk about love, relationships, and life.
Easter Sunday blessed me as I once again was reminded of God's incredible love and the miracle of Jesus. I spent church service at the Door church and then went to Justin and Vanessa's house for lunch with their family (I think their mom should write a recipe book!). I do have a head cold right now. I think it might be a result of too many changes in climate, etc. In the span of three months, I have gone from extreme cold to extreme heat about 10 times and have been subjected to untold germs and overall exhaustion, so I'm not surprised, but looking forward to it going away!
Alright all - love to you!
Last days in Bolivia and homecoming
Sorry for the long delay in writing... I wanted to post a few final Bolivia pics and update you on how the trip went. It was such a wonderful time, except the last day, I sat in the sun a bit too long and torched myself. I'm still peeling from 3/23. Oops. There were just a few of us left there and my friend from Ecuador brought us shrimp from his farm, so one of my coworkers, the chef at the hotel, Ernesto (from Ecuador) and I cooked for the crew.
My flight left pretty late at night and those who took me to the airport were so sweet, waving and waiting until they could see me no more. I felt very at home there among the people in Bolivia. Such a dear culture.
I returned home to a sweet get-together with my friends, just a nice time to re-connect. My friend Rosemary picked me up from the airport and I just love her chipper attitude. She was great to see first! Luke and Josh made sure I had food that I longed for (fresh veggies and pizza) for dinner and I got to hear what all happened while I was gone. I am incredibly blessed by my friends here!
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