Hi all,
This post will be shorter in length, without much personal reflection or update from me... It's mainly to ask for prayer... though for a personal update, things are going really well, really, really well!!!
This past week has been incredibly stressful as we prepare for meetings, update most of our publications, and relate to leaders around the world. As some of you know, okay, as any of you who actually know me understand, I have a bad habit of saying "yes" to a few too many things and not balancing well... So this week, I have learned a few things:
1. I need to make sure I rely on God for my strength, not on my abilities or my strength (does it seem like I've learned that particular lesson before???)
2. I need to say "no" to a few more things, even when they are good things (again, I think I've learned this before...)
3. This is my busiest time of year and I need to remember to have fun with it
So many times in life, I think by human nature, we forget to ENJOY what God has placed in front of us. So please pray for JOY and GRACE for me. I have noticed in the past few weeks, that my mood has been a bit on edge and I don't like that. I don't like it when I'm short with people or grumpy. I know I have a choice as I live and relate in how I act, my conduct, my mood, the way I feel/treat people; so please pray I can make good choices in that area... I have noticed the more I pray for God to refine my character, the harder I'm hit with the things that will refine me. That's good, but hard!
We leave for Ethiopia on January 4th and it seems like that date is approaching very rapidly. Thus far we have 105 people on the invitation list for the Ethiopia meeting and about 95 on the invitation list for India. While this is exciting on one hand, on another hand, it's daunting. Please pray for the planning and preparations to go well as we continue to grow. I realize the ONLY way any of this will work well is by God's grace. I know the times we will have together will be incredibly fulfilling as well as incredibly exhausting. I have been here 2 1/2 years (!!!!) now and I think it will get easier, but it doesn't, because, you see, God is always doing new things, pushing us past where we were yesterday... I now have the privilege to work with almost 95 programs around the world who long to see Jesus known in the nations. I thank God for this opportunity. It's a chance of a lifetime.
I am so grateful today that God has called me here, to be able to see His heartbeat around the world, that He is continually molding and shaping me into the person He needs me to be in Him, and for each person who supports me in prayer, giving, and encouragement. Today was payday and I was praying like crazy that I would have enough to pay my bills and I do! God is so good and faithful and I thank you for being faithful, too! I mean it when I say you are here with me as I work. I think of you all so often...
Okay, so this wasn't shorter in length. Ha. Oh, well, I really did try... Much love to you all, Jenny
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
a beautiful revelation in the cleaning of a barn...
This weekend I worked at cleaning out two sections of a barn with Nate at his parent's farm to prepare it for a barn party next weekend. Now this was a pretty simple task really, just moving some equipment out (I got to drive a tractor :)) and sweeping straw/pig feed/dirt/dust into piles and getting rid of it. The entire process took about four hours, and it was quite therapeutic to work with my hands. I was happily (at first) sweeping, when a big wind came through the large barn doors sort of like a wind tunnel and blew some straw back onto my already swept floor. I went back, still smiling at this point, and swept up the errant straw/dirt combination again. And once again, the winds came, and again, I swept the straw and dirt back into piles to be removed. Repeat this process multiple times and I was no longer smiling, but feeling instead quite grumpy and frustrated. I even asked God to make the wind stop. He didn't make the winds stop. But instead, a wonderful thing happened among the straw, dirt, and pig feed. God showed me something cool. It seemed as though He was saying to me, by His Spirit, "My child, this is how I feel about you sometimes. I work hard to purify you, to teach you lessons, to reveal myself to you, to love you, and the winds of life come and blow you around. You forget all I've done for you and the promises I've given for your life. You forget so easily. Hold fast to me, do not be moved by the winds of life."
As I stood there in the barn, heart full of gratitude to God, sharing the revelation with Nate, holding my now still broom, I was impressed by God's amazing patience for me. So many times I allow the winds of life to cover over or blow over God's grace for my life. Why I do this, I don't know, but leave it to God to teach me a lesson so beautiful surrounded by straw, dust, and pig feed.
Maybe this will encourage you, too. I hope so. God is so good. So gracious. So fun!
James 1:2-6
2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
As I stood there in the barn, heart full of gratitude to God, sharing the revelation with Nate, holding my now still broom, I was impressed by God's amazing patience for me. So many times I allow the winds of life to cover over or blow over God's grace for my life. Why I do this, I don't know, but leave it to God to teach me a lesson so beautiful surrounded by straw, dust, and pig feed.
Maybe this will encourage you, too. I hope so. God is so good. So gracious. So fun!
James 1:2-6
2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
Friday, October 12, 2007
1 Peter 4:11 If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Wow! What a month (+) it's been!
The season has FINALLY changed here, and in the past two days we have dropped from 82 degrees to 62 degrees. Quite a change and it finally feels like fall! I had a wonderfully stretching summer, one where I feel like God was working and moving in amazing ways in my life. The summer was also an incredibly blessed summer. It is such a joy to be serving here at Global, to have the friends I have, to connect with people around the world, and to dig deeper into the heart of God. The summer was definitely one of growth and healing. God continues to push me through more issues, loving me into deeper places of intimacy with Him and I'm so grateful!
With the change of seasons, it seems like the Annual Meeting season came right along with it! We are busy planning and preparing for two of the four regional meetings we will have this year. Tefera is here helping this year and it's easier, if not in the workload, necessarily, just in the fact of knowing there's SOMEONE to help me :) And not just anyone, but someone who brings a lot to the table. I thank God for bringing him here. He brings an amazing depth of knowledge, of insight, and is fun to work with, too! So together, along with a dispersed international staff, we have begun planning for the first meeting in January which will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We expect between 100 and 125 leaders from Africa to join us at that meeting, along with some leaders from around the world. I'm looking forward to being in Africa again, to experience worshipping with my dear brothers and sisters there. From Ethiopia, we plan to travel to Mumbai, India (formerly Bombay). This meeting will be slightly smaller, with about 75-100 people expected. India was hard on me last year, and I've been asking God to help me be really excited to be there. I loved the people I was with at the meetings, but I was really ill there and had some less than good experiences. Please pray with me that God would give me joy to be there and that my anticipation would grow. These meetings are a lot of work, undoubtedly the hardest work I've ever done in my life. It's also a lot of travel and very little sleep. Please pray for continued joy as I work. I remember from my first year here, working in Mexico at the Annual Meeting, saying it felt like joyful exhaustion. I know the exhaustion will be there, and I'm sure the joy will be, too, as I get to see and touch and be with the people I pray for and relate to all year. A little taste of heaven right here on earth.
I'm still in awe that God is allowing me to serve in this capacity, to do what I get to do. It seems like weekly, maybe even daily, I find myself wondering why He would choose to use me at all, but being so grateful that He does. I have been thinking a lot lately that I moved here 2.5 years ago and wow! What a time it's been!!! This is more than I ever could have asked for or imagined for my life. God is SO GOOD!
My group of friends continues to stretch me, to be a blessing to me. This was a summer of serving together (we volunteer a couple of places together, and the trip to LA/MS), growing in God together, going through pain together, rejoicing in God's goodness together. I am so blessed. I have been able to spend more time with Kent and Erin and the boys and also with Allison and the boys (not as much with Jeremy as he's had a busy summer), but I continue to be completely grateful for these friendships that continue to grow and challenge me. There's something beautiful in loving people for this long... They definitely feel more like family to me than just friends.
The friends I've made in the past couple of years here also continue to amaze me. I am so blessed by each one of them and continually thank God for them.
My relationship with Nate has been such a blessing, such a time of growth and learning. Each day, I am amazed. I remarked to him last week, that 'good' is really good! We continue to hold this relationship in our open hands to God, allowing Him to move and work. We also continue to pray that God is blessed by our relationship, and that we can bless others and each other. God has definitely answered so many of my prayers with him... The more I get to know him, the more I am in awe of all that God has placed in him. He's a great mix of strength and kindness. I am blessed. Please continue to pray with us as we get to know each other.
Wow! What a month (+) it's been!

With the change of seasons, it seems like the Annual Meeting season came right along with it! We are busy planning and preparing for two of the four regional meetings we will have this year. Tefera is here helping this year and it's easier, if not in the workload, necessarily, just in the fact of knowing there's SOMEONE to help me :) And not just anyone, but someone who brings a lot to the table. I thank God for bringing him here. He brings an amazing depth of knowledge, of insight, and is fun to work with, too! So together, along with a dispersed international staff, we have begun planning for the first meeting in January which will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We expect between 100 and 125 leaders from Africa to join us at that meeting, along with some leaders from around the world. I'm looking forward to being in Africa again, to experience worshipping with my dear brothers and sisters there. From Ethiopia, we plan to travel to Mumbai, India (formerly Bombay). This meeting will be slightly smaller, with about 75-100 people expected. India was hard on me last year, and I've been asking God to help me be really excited to be there. I loved the people I was with at the meetings, but I was really ill there and had some less than good experiences. Please pray with me that God would give me joy to be there and that my anticipation would grow. These meetings are a lot of work, undoubtedly the hardest work I've ever done in my life. It's also a lot of travel and very little sleep. Please pray for continued joy as I work. I remember from my first year here, working in Mexico at the Annual Meeting, saying it felt like joyful exhaustion. I know the exhaustion will be there, and I'm sure the joy will be, too, as I get to see and touch and be with the people I pray for and relate to all year. A little taste of heaven right here on earth.
I'm still in awe that God is allowing me to serve in this capacity, to do what I get to do. It seems like weekly, maybe even daily, I find myself wondering why He would choose to use me at all, but being so grateful that He does. I have been thinking a lot lately that I moved here 2.5 years ago and wow! What a time it's been!!! This is more than I ever could have asked for or imagined for my life. God is SO GOOD!
My group of friends continues to stretch me, to be a blessing to me. This was a summer of serving together (we volunteer a couple of places together, and the trip to LA/MS), growing in God together, going through pain together, rejoicing in God's goodness together. I am so blessed. I have been able to spend more time with Kent and Erin and the boys and also with Allison and the boys (not as much with Jeremy as he's had a busy summer), but I continue to be completely grateful for these friendships that continue to grow and challenge me. There's something beautiful in loving people for this long... They definitely feel more like family to me than just friends.
The friends I've made in the past couple of years here also continue to amaze me. I am so blessed by each one of them and continually thank God for them.

We were able to go canoeing two weeks ago with a lady named Doreen who works at a discipleship training program we work with and her fiance Loren. It was a peaceful and fun day relating with them. Doreen and I thought Loren and Nate might be similar, and they were a bit similar, and she and I are a bit similar, so that was fun!
The guys worked HARD to help us paddle. ha ha. Seriously, this was a rare time of relaxing for them...
I got to see a lot of egrets and blue herons on the river that day. Those birds always make me think of God, I don't know why... They just get me all excited, thinking of how majestic God is...
I am so excited to be doing what God has called me to, in the place He called me to, with wonderful people, and to be able to be in full-time ministry. I love it! THANK YOU to all of you who make it possible with your prayers and support. I don't take you for granted and I definitely feel each one of you with me as I work and live.
Galatians 5 says: the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. (NIV)
Oh, Lord, help us to have that faith...
Imparting Wisdom
So, I just came to a profound realization or maybe not so profound... I was reading a blog written by a "kid" who used to come to the youth group I was a leader/pastor in... Somehow, in a matter of years, this "kid" has become a man who challenges me in so many ways. So all those years I was "TRYING" to impart wisdom on him, it probably wasn't really working. And now, he's living his life fully surrendered and is as such, imparting so much wisdom into mine. If you want to be challenged, check out his blog: http://www.stumblingafterthelight.com/ I have been looking at that verse in Galatians 5 a lot lately and I think he just explained it pretty well in his latest blog entry... "the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love"... I thank God that none of us have arrived, that we're all on this journey of learning, growing, changing, being broken, all for the sake of knowing Him and being known by Him, so He can be known in the nations. May His love go before us in all that we do...
Thursday, August 30, 2007
The past three weeks...
Someone once said that a lot can change in a week. He was right...
Our trip to Louisiana/Mississippi went really well (yes, I survived being a girl among lots of boys, and there were quite a few girls once we got there. However, I think some of the guys, who shall remain nameless had a bit too much fun harassing me...) and I was blessed to be there. We (Nate, Luke, Jon, and myself) started out our day with a very early morning airport run to Baltimore, leaving Nate's house at 3:00 in the morning. Our flights went really well, we had easy connections, and some time to rest (kind of). I also got to experience a new airport. For those of you who follow my time in airplanes/airports, I think this makes close to 190 hours in a year. I think I might stop flying until January when I head out to Ethiopia/India. Anyway.... Once we arrived at the airport, we met up with two of Nate's friends who flew in from a different city, Jeremy and Brandon. We had some time to tour the French Quarter of New Orleans, eat some
lunch at Bubba Gump's Shrimp, tour Bourbon Street (I think we lasted one block there, it wasn't the purest of places to be...), then spent some time down by the mighty Mississippi River, and on to tour the Ninth Ward, the area in New Orleans where the levee broke. It was a bit surreal to be there. Most of the debris was gone, but there were sidewalks and foundations and you could just imagine that children used to play games on the streets and in the neighborhoods and now it's like a ghost town, it was quite sad.
OH! To add to my list of "cars" I've driven in weird places, I learned how to drive a high lift in Mississippi. Yah. That was cool. It had orbital tires. That was weird. I had fun, though, playing with all the levers. Hmmm...
Some of you have heard stories about this man named Nate, some have not. Well, actually, if you read my blog, you have read about him and have seen some pictures of him... Anyway, we met about seven months ago through some friends of ours, and in the time since then, I have been increasingly amazed at his character, his kindness, and his depth. He is a strong man of faith, a strong leader, and a solid person. He's a good balance to my energy, and is fun, without being overwhelming... On Sunday, Luke's phrase of Nate and I being "unofficially official" became obsolete, when we prayerfully and excitedly took that plunge from "just friends" to being in a relationship while overlooking trees and trails atop the "Money Rocks." I'm excited about this new chapter in our lives for so many reasons, but mostly because I see so many things in our friendship that bring glory to God. I see so many things in Nate that glorify God, and I am so challenged by his faith, his walk with God, and with his desire to remain in His will. He encourages me both by just being himself and by his words to me to be a better person in Christ. Please pray with us to be able to remain in step with God's plan for our lives, for us to remain completely in His will and to honor God in all we do, say, think, feel, and in our actions. I trust Nate as a leader, because I see how submitted he is to Christ, and I trust God in him. I am continually asking God to help me hold this in my open hand, for Him to do with whatever He desires. I have to admit I'm excited, but it's also a little bit weird, because it's new. I think we were both a bit afraid that all the cool aspects of our friendship would be lost when we became more than friends, but I think it's actually made it cooler yet. I think the foundation that was laid as friends is really strong and incredible. A lot of trust, respect, and understanding was gained in that time. I'm very grateful to have gotten to know him so well before we entered this relationship. It's been fun to figure out when we started liking each other. I think we were both intrigued by one another right away, and it grew from there. I remember crying while I was in California at Christine's wedding in June one night, because I was so scared he wouldn't choose to be with me, and I didn't know at the time he liked me, too. I spent the night saying out loud, "Lord, I trust You." This has been an incredible time of trusting and believing God...and will continue to be. I am so thankful for this journey.
Since my last blog, quite a few fun things have happened in my life. Work continues to stretch and challenge me... We continue to get new applications, mostly from Ethiopia, which is funny. I keep threatening to put a stop to Tefera's work. I don't really mean it, though. God is moving in the nations! 1 Chronicles 16:8 Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done.
God continues to call me into deeper places of intercession, which I don't fully understand, but will continue to obey. I am realizing more and more the power of prayer, and the discipline it takes. I am blessed that He desires me to go deeper.

We left Louisiana for our drive to Pass Christian, Mississippi, which was about 1.5 hours I believe. The area was hit by the actual hurricane, not just a levee breaking. Most of the town was demolished either by the wind or a 30 foot storm surge. I struggled to stay awake so I could take in my surroundings. We arrived at the base and put our things away, met some people, and went to our first meal in Mississippi... Burger King! We met a few hilarious southerners there, where Jon got his wish for some deep southern accents. They explained how to go "Flounder Giggin'", which was hilarious. Giggin' for those of you not familiar with the south, is basically the same as spear hunting/fishing, I think.... Anyway, they also let us know we needed to be careful of the sting rays. Thanks, but no thanks to flounder giggin'!
I actually got about eight hours of sleep on Sunday night, which I was incredibly grateful for... Monday morning, I woke up and went on a prayer pace. I say pace because they told us not to walk too far alone, so I paced in the area where I could be seen by the MDS camp. We packed our lunches, ate breakfast, shared a devotional, and then got our work assignment for the day. I got to be on a work crew with Nate and Luke, which was cool, since I knew them the best. Nate has a lot of experience in construction, and Luke has a super hilarious wit, so we enjoyed our time and got things accomplished! We also got our truck assignment, which was a Dodge Hemi with some sort of loud exhaust pack on it, so it made you want to grunt to hear it. I think Nate enjoyed driving it :) Our first stop was the jobsite, where we measured and planned for the lumber yard run. We were responsible for finishing a deck, placing rails on the deck, and building stairs off the back of the house. We worked on that project pretty much from Monday through Thursday, finishing at the end of the day on Thursday, just in the knick of time, with a brief time away on Tuesday to install closet doors, do some trim work, painting, etc. at a house that was dedicated while we were there. I think they said it was 110 degrees with the heat index, but it
felt hotter. You basically dripped with sweat all the time, but looking back, it wasn't that bad and I'm kind of grateful, since it made the experience seem a bit more like we were sacrificing something... It was weird, too, because I think I got a bit overheated and got a bit delusional at times. You know, when everything, whether it's funny or not, seems SO hilarious to you... Other members of our group worked on drywall, sanding, painting, and other various jobs throughout the week. Our evenings were filled with dinner, going to the beach to play volleyball, wading out into the Gulf of Mexico (SCARY, with the warning of sting rays burrowing in the sand to sleep at night), sitting out on piers watching stars, going on walks on the beach, etc. We had a blast. We
also forgot to get much sleep... On Friday, we spent the day getting the base ready for a month with no one there. MDS is closing all of it's sites for the month of September, since there is a shortage of volunteers. It would take at least ten years to rebuild at this rate, and it's so sad that they can't find workers. Pray with me, please, for people to go to rebuild. If you want any information on a team, let me know. I would be happy to pass information on to you. We had fun moving vehicles, campers, trailers, equipment to the hurricane vehicle evacuation site. I'm sure we looked like a force to be reckoned with, and one turtle, thanks to Nate and the "Turtle Launcher", aka, the Winnebago, had the ride of it's life as he clipped its shell on a curve and sent it flying (think Super Mario Brothers...). Must have been an extreme sports loving turtle, I hope it had fun. That thing was launched.

Similar to New Orleans, the majority of the debris is gone, but there is so much barrenness there. You can almost sense the hopelessness in the air. On a walk early one morning, after watching the sunrise over the marina, I remarked that it seemed like the people have accepted living in FEMA trailers as their fate and felt compelled to pray for hope to be pressed back into them, so that's what I prayed for during my time there. For hope to return.
Friday night, we traveled back to New Orleans for our early morning Saturday flight (left the base at 3:45 am...)
We arrived home at about 3 in the afternoon and shared some of our experiences with Nate's mom, then made plans to hang out the next day, where the rest of my cool story comes into play... since I know most of you are only still reading this for news on my personal life. Ha.

On Nate's blog, he wrote the following, which sums it up very well, so if you think to pray for him and for us: "Together we are seeking God to lead us in this new relationship as we ultimately want to honor Him. We are really excited for what God is doing even though it can be scary at times. Please pray for us as we get to know each other better, as we discern God's will, and that I boldly lead as He directs."
You can also pray for me to continue to live. He has a weird way of making me stop breathing, which Allison has assured me is normal and okay. Ha ha.
Nate emailed these verses to me the day after we got together and I like them, too:
2 Corinthians 1:20-22
"For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God. Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. "
"For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God. Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. "
Alright, so that's my update from this side of the country/world/universe. Keep me updated on what's new with you! I miss hearing from some of you, but it's been great to hear from some of you, too.
God bless you all and thank you for what you add to my life!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Summer Days

Spring Lake Beach... Ah, I want to go back...
Wow. I can't believe it's already the middle of August. What an incredible summer this has been! I am continually blessed in so many areas of my life.
Ministry at Global Disciples is stretching me, in fact, I can't remember the last time I've learned so much about God and about myself. I feel completely inadequate to do what I'm doing and that's a wonderful place to be! The Lord has been waking me up pretty early most mornings, in an attempt to get me to pray more (I think...), so most days I am awake sometime between 3:45 and 5 praying (or laying in bed begging God to let me sleep, even though I know why I'm awake... ah, the weakness of a human). Anyway, through these prayer times, I have been pressing in more to God's heart for the nations (as well as some personal things going on in my life). I'm amazed at HOW MUCH He desires all to know Him. It's incredible to me the depth of His love and desire. One area I have been praying specifically for is workers for the harvest. It breaks my heart that there are still 1.8 BILLION people who have never even had a chance to choose Jesus. It astounds me, really. I'm excited, though, because there will come a day that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:10-11) I can't believe that five years ago I didn't understand God's heart for missions very well at all... Now I can't imagine life before missions. It's been such a huge joy.
I have a new coworker from Ethiopia! It's been a total answer to prayer that Tefera has joined our staff. Just a few months ago, I was laying my head on my desk, crying out to God that I couldn't possibly do this alone. That very day, within minutes, God opened the door for Tefera and his family to move here. I know it's not about me, but it still felt like a huge present to me! We have been working at familiarizing him to the Alliance, and already, I can see so much in him that is just perfect for this. His life and his walk challenge me. He's been through so much, has seen so much, and is completely sold out to Jesus.
We have already begun planning for the annual meetings this year. It almost feels like we just finished the season from last time and we're at it again. This year, Tefera will take primary leadership in planning the Africa meeting with the Facilitator Team in Africa (in Ethiopia), I will work on the Asia meeting with our Facilitator in India (in Mumbai, India), our staff team in Bolivia will work on the Latin America meeting (Most likely to be held in Colombia), and the North America/Europe meeting will be held here, so that's nice and convenient... There are now over 90 programs in the Alliance and we just got a new application yesterday. There are people being trained to GO and it's pretty exciting when you think of the potential for people to hear the Good News!
Each day I think I learn some huge lesson, some new way to trust God, some humbling thing I need to grow in. Oh, did I mention it's also really stretching me? Yes, I think I did...
Personally, things are going really well. I got to see my mom again this past month quite a bit and that really blessed me. She was able to connect with some folks here she has known for years who live here and to meet new people as well. We also discovered she's strangely good at pitch and putting - golf - who knew? Ha ha.
Our campsite

My very patient and "Nice" volleyball coach Nate :)
I am so blessed by the people God has brought into my life. I stand amazed at times that the prayers I prayed a few years ago for friends have been answered so completely and perfectly here. I get the joy of connecting with friends I have known for many years and friends I haven't known as long but are becoming quite dear to me.
I have also enjoyed catching up with some of you via email and phone. It's cool to me that technology allows us to remain in touch from very far away...
Some prayer requests:
- For me to continually trust and seek God in my life. There are some big things I sense He's preparing me for and it's scary, unknown (not really sure what it is, just that it will be new), and very cool, all at the same time.
- For more workers for the harvest and that His name would be known in all the earth. I look forward to that day!
- For a trip that I will take along with Nate and Luke (and a few others I don't know...) to Pass Christian, MS to help with reconstruction from Hurricane Katrina. We leave EARLY this Sunday morning and return EARLY the following Saturday morning. I think we'll be working on finishing a house and we'll get to go to a house dedication (I think). We will also have a chance to tour some of New Orleans on Sunday. I think this trip will stretch me. I'm used to seeing unfavorable conditions in other countries, but here? I think it will be hard for me. Nate senses that Colossians 3:12-17 could be a focus for our trip, so if you can pray that over us, that would be great!
- Continual surrender in my life. I think many of you must be praying for that, because God has been so faithful to help me do that more often...
Thank you once again for your prayers, your friendship, your love. I realize this journey is about a whole lot more than me. God uses a lot of people to carry out His task and His purpose. Thank you for your encouragement to me. Thank you for supporting me. I was thinking the other day as I looked at my receipts to mail out to contributors that some of you have supported me for over two years faithfully. I am humbled by each one who makes this possible by your prayers and your support. I thank you for being part of this dream that is reality for me. This is beyond anything I could have asked God for... Thank you for the joy you bring to my life. Keep in touch, I would like to catch up with some of you very soon...
With much love,
Monday, July 16, 2007
i give You...
Lord, I give You my heart.
Lord, I give You my LIFE and all that is and will be. Fully Yours.
My future to do with as You desire.
My today. Lord, I want to know You, love You, serve You completely TODAY.
My TRUST. God, I want to trust You so much more than I do.
My brokenness. Lord, continue to break me so that You can be glorified in my life.
My hurt. God, there is nothing I can go through that You don't understand.
My laughter. You are my delight and my joy.
My LOVE. You created me in and with love for love. Help me not to fear it.
My mind to be full of Your wisdom, not mine and not the world's.
My rights. Help me to leave them at Your throne of grace.
Lord, You alone are worthy.
You are so worthy.
I am nothing without You.
1 Corinthians 1:26-31 Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord."
Lord, I give You my LIFE and all that is and will be. Fully Yours.
My future to do with as You desire.
My today. Lord, I want to know You, love You, serve You completely TODAY.
My TRUST. God, I want to trust You so much more than I do.
My brokenness. Lord, continue to break me so that You can be glorified in my life.
My hurt. God, there is nothing I can go through that You don't understand.
My laughter. You are my delight and my joy.
My LOVE. You created me in and with love for love. Help me not to fear it.
My mind to be full of Your wisdom, not mine and not the world's.
My rights. Help me to leave them at Your throne of grace.
Lord, You alone are worthy.
You are so worthy.
I am nothing without You.
1 Corinthians 1:26-31 Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord."
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Today, I praise God
I am home in PA and I am happy. I love it here. I love what God has called me to. I love who He allows me to know.
My heart is welling up today with so much. So much of all I have for the Lord. I am not sure I can express what God has shown to me today about His grace, His sufficiency, and His undying and unending love.
This morning, my boss and I shared a lengthy phone conversation with my coworker in India. I was blessed and overwhelmed by God’s touch on his life, the way he has been called to some very difficult places in life by choosing integrity over the crowd. I am humbled to know men of faith who choose Jesus even when it would be so easy to “slightly bend the rules” for the sake of ease of life. As our brother in India was sharing, I teared up numerous times as I thought of the pain he has gone through, but the tears were not just in grief, they were in joy. God has given him so much grace. He has had to leave the Bible College grounds where he has been living and move to a different town to rent a new house. Why? Because he spoke against the lack of integrity and dishonesty he saw in the leadership there. I love him for that. He shared a couple of verses out of Genesis – Genesis 46:3-4 "I am God, the God of your father," he said. "Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there. 4 I will go down to Egypt with you, and I will surely bring you back again. And Joseph's own hand will close your eyes." What an incredible promise from our Lord.
He may call us out of our comfort zones, doing great things in the land He calls us to, only to return us better than before and to the land HE has planned for us. Anyway. Amazing God story number 1.
Amazing God story number 2: There is a bishop traveling here from Rwanda. Bishop Abel first came to my office last week and visited again today. He is a bishop over a cluster of churches who run a program we work with in Rwanda. He came very much intentionally into my office today, said to me in his broken English, “I want to come to your office; I want to share with you.” He brought greetings from the director we work with in Rwanda, named Francine and welcomed me to their country anytime, he also brought greetings and stories from others I know in Africa. It’s amazing how small the world is in God’s kingdom... Anyway, as I spoke with this very tall African man with very beautiful dark skin, I noticed how sweet and gentle he is, but that along with that gentleness he also carries so much authority. He oversees 48 congregations in Rwanda, Burundi, and Congo. If you know anything about these countries, you know they are war torn. He shared with me about the war and the effects of it from 1994 (some of you have seen Hotel Rwanda). The leader of the program we work with is a single mother of two children. The bishop has eight children and he and his wife help Francine with her children and their finances. When I asked if her husband died in the war, the bishop told me he had. I carried on a 20 minute conversation with this man and as he spoke, my heart swelled. I think the Spirit of God was allowing me to feel just a touch of His heart. As I choked back tears, this man continued (in very broken English) to share stories of war, of the aftermath of the war, of life today. He shared about how God’s church is growing, even among the remote tribes. He told me of all the single mothers caring for children who will never know their father. But God is good. And He is more than enough for them. While Bishop Abel was sharing his stories, I wasn’t so much struck by the death and the tragedy, but by the message of hope in his words. He was not telling me these stories for sadness or grief, but for joy and for praise to God who rescues.
I am challenged. I am moved. I am hopefully changed. I hope that daily I will become less of the person I was yesterday or today and to be transformed more in the image of Christ.
I don’t know why I’m sharing all of this with you, except to share with you HOW GREAT God is. He amazes me. I can sit in my boss’ office in PA in the morning, hearing how God is moving in India and a few hours later, I can sit in my office, in PA, and talk to a man from Rwanda with so much gentleness, hurt, and hope in his eyes. I wish you could meet some of these people God allows me to know. I can’t believe it. Maybe I needed to share this with you today to say thank you. I know you pray. I know you sacrifice to support me. I know you love the Lord. For all of that, I say thank you and I thank God for you. Thank you for helping me live this life I really never could have dreamed of. I know there is nothing in me that deserves this, but I am incredibly grateful that I get to experience this. I am more and more convinced God is, as my friend Mark shared with me the other night, showing me that the nations are literally as close to me as reaching into my fridge. I can do so much more from here than I could by traveling to another country and for that I am grateful. (not that I think there should be no foreign missionaries)
With adoration, joy, and a heart of gratitude, Jenny
My heart is welling up today with so much. So much of all I have for the Lord. I am not sure I can express what God has shown to me today about His grace, His sufficiency, and His undying and unending love.
This morning, my boss and I shared a lengthy phone conversation with my coworker in India. I was blessed and overwhelmed by God’s touch on his life, the way he has been called to some very difficult places in life by choosing integrity over the crowd. I am humbled to know men of faith who choose Jesus even when it would be so easy to “slightly bend the rules” for the sake of ease of life. As our brother in India was sharing, I teared up numerous times as I thought of the pain he has gone through, but the tears were not just in grief, they were in joy. God has given him so much grace. He has had to leave the Bible College grounds where he has been living and move to a different town to rent a new house. Why? Because he spoke against the lack of integrity and dishonesty he saw in the leadership there. I love him for that. He shared a couple of verses out of Genesis – Genesis 46:3-4 "I am God, the God of your father," he said. "Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there. 4 I will go down to Egypt with you, and I will surely bring you back again. And Joseph's own hand will close your eyes." What an incredible promise from our Lord.
He may call us out of our comfort zones, doing great things in the land He calls us to, only to return us better than before and to the land HE has planned for us. Anyway. Amazing God story number 1.
Amazing God story number 2: There is a bishop traveling here from Rwanda. Bishop Abel first came to my office last week and visited again today. He is a bishop over a cluster of churches who run a program we work with in Rwanda. He came very much intentionally into my office today, said to me in his broken English, “I want to come to your office; I want to share with you.” He brought greetings from the director we work with in Rwanda, named Francine and welcomed me to their country anytime, he also brought greetings and stories from others I know in Africa. It’s amazing how small the world is in God’s kingdom... Anyway, as I spoke with this very tall African man with very beautiful dark skin, I noticed how sweet and gentle he is, but that along with that gentleness he also carries so much authority. He oversees 48 congregations in Rwanda, Burundi, and Congo. If you know anything about these countries, you know they are war torn. He shared with me about the war and the effects of it from 1994 (some of you have seen Hotel Rwanda). The leader of the program we work with is a single mother of two children. The bishop has eight children and he and his wife help Francine with her children and their finances. When I asked if her husband died in the war, the bishop told me he had. I carried on a 20 minute conversation with this man and as he spoke, my heart swelled. I think the Spirit of God was allowing me to feel just a touch of His heart. As I choked back tears, this man continued (in very broken English) to share stories of war, of the aftermath of the war, of life today. He shared about how God’s church is growing, even among the remote tribes. He told me of all the single mothers caring for children who will never know their father. But God is good. And He is more than enough for them. While Bishop Abel was sharing his stories, I wasn’t so much struck by the death and the tragedy, but by the message of hope in his words. He was not telling me these stories for sadness or grief, but for joy and for praise to God who rescues.
I am challenged. I am moved. I am hopefully changed. I hope that daily I will become less of the person I was yesterday or today and to be transformed more in the image of Christ.
I don’t know why I’m sharing all of this with you, except to share with you HOW GREAT God is. He amazes me. I can sit in my boss’ office in PA in the morning, hearing how God is moving in India and a few hours later, I can sit in my office, in PA, and talk to a man from Rwanda with so much gentleness, hurt, and hope in his eyes. I wish you could meet some of these people God allows me to know. I can’t believe it. Maybe I needed to share this with you today to say thank you. I know you pray. I know you sacrifice to support me. I know you love the Lord. For all of that, I say thank you and I thank God for you. Thank you for helping me live this life I really never could have dreamed of. I know there is nothing in me that deserves this, but I am incredibly grateful that I get to experience this. I am more and more convinced God is, as my friend Mark shared with me the other night, showing me that the nations are literally as close to me as reaching into my fridge. I can do so much more from here than I could by traveling to another country and for that I am grateful. (not that I think there should be no foreign missionaries)
With adoration, joy, and a heart of gratitude, Jenny
Monday, July 9, 2007
Blessed to be Home!!!
I was blessed today with a very sweet card from my church family back in Colorado. Thank you for your kind wishes and your love. It was such a treat to receive that today in the mail. Just the boost I needed!
Friday, June 29, 2007
One day left
The friends from long, long ago...
Spa day with Christine and mama Inga... Mmm... Spoiled
Rehearsal. Look at the multi-culturalness of it... Sweet.
Thanks again for your prayers. Grace. I need grace :)
Rehearsal. Look at the multi-culturalness of it... Sweet.
Yay, one day left. We had a delightful spa day today... Mmmm. Relaxing. Then we quickly got stressed out and headed to the rehearsal. Weird how quickly things can change... Ha. Anyway, we are now about 16 hours from the wedding and about 24 from a full night's sleep :)
Thanks again for your prayers. Grace. I need grace :)
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Wedding update 2 - 2.5 days away...
Biking along the Strand
The cliffs after a long and relaxing day...
The volleyball nets along The Strand. Waiting for all my volleyball junkie friends...
Watching the Coast Guard work exercises on the cliffs of Palos Verdes
The beginning of a very relaxing and stressful day :)
The model and the country girl :
We have been having a wonderful time, a relaxing time, and a stressful time. Yes, that's possible...
Christine took me on a grand outing today and spoiled me rotten. I know all day today, God was revealing His wonderful and amazing love to me. I am so incredibly grateful for Him and His love.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The wedding extravaganza, so far...
Well, it is beyond hard to believe that just 72 hours ago, my very sweet friend Nate picked me up to take me to the airport (yes, at 4:00am :)) to see my friend Christine (who I have known for 13 years and have not seen for almost three years) and to be the maid of honor in her wedding.

Christine's favorite meal: sushi

Thomas (one of the groomsmen), Adrian, Christine, and moi.
Jenny and Becky

First meeting in three years makes you a bit crazy, eh? Hee hee...
Thank you so much for the ways you have all prayed for me and are calling, emailing, texting to encourage me. This is a mission for me.
I arrived in LA after a very nice flight, with my bags arriving about one hour after I did (on a different flight...) For the first hour or so, Christine and I remarked that it was very odd (but good) to see each other in the flesh... We were staring a bit, because it was just so weird to see each other after all this time. Since the time I arrived at the airport, it has been a whirlwind tour of pre-wedding stuff. This wedding is bigger and more intense than any others I have been involved in. We have run errands, done final dress fittings, shopped, ate, ate some more. Met the fiance (finally!!!) which was a bit odd, a bit intense, and so very different from what I imagined growing up for Christine. I think he was very nervous, but thankfully God kept me from being nervous. Christine was also very nervous. We witnessed one of the strangest accidents on the freeway on the way to meet Adrian that I've ever seen where a car literally drove up the side of a truck, almost rolled over, then righted itself before it did... We had to pull over and give a statement to the police, which was a bit surreal, and now I know why the LAPD is known for being slow to respond...
Thomas (one of the groomsmen), Adrian, Christine, and moi.
Friday night we celebrated the bachelorette party at Cowboy Country, a very hilarious line dancing, two-stepping place. We dressed Christine up in a t-shirt, boots, and a hat and took off with her. We had her a bit confused until we arrived. I have decided that line dancing could very well be the best workout of all time, and that I miss my country roots a bit... The best part of the place were the people there... The crowd was very kind, quite a few older people, and really just there to dance and learn. Very fun.
Audrey, Jenny, Val, Christine, BettyToday, we awoke and ran some more errands. Christine took the bridesmaids for a Gondola ride in the Redondo Beach Pier and Marina for the bridesmaid luncheon. We relaxed (almost fell asleep) for an hour, listened to opera music, and snacked on fruit and cheese.
The gondola ride....Christine, Jenny, Audrey, Vanessa
This is one of the most relaxing things I've ever done...
Afterwards, we ran to Christine's house to change into our fancy clothes and head off to the Queen Mary for a ghost tour of the ship and a four-star meal. I ate caviar for the first time in my life. :) I think Christine has been genuinely blessed by this whole experience, which is the goal! I got to see her older brother Jeff for the first time in five years tonight. I have to admit, I screamed and ran up to him, and he has not changed much, but has, too... We graduated high school together and don't talk much anymore, but it is such a joy when we get to. I met his girlfriend (who is amazing) during the bachelorette party and saw her again tonight at the bridal shower. I'm hopeful that they will get married someday. I can see how their gift sets work so well together. It's fun to see him in love...
This is one of the most relaxing things I've ever done...
Oh, to blindfold a friend to surprise her...
The group of gals at the Queen Mary
Jenny, Jeff, and Christine (I don't even know how many hours we have logged together as friends...)
Go Sentinel Spartans... We graduated together. Eek.
Go Sentinel Spartans... We graduated together. Eek.
Overall, this trip has been a wild mix of emotions. If I can be honest, it is incredibly spiritually tough and challenging... Thank you to all who are praying for this time... I am pouring myself out quite a bit, and am generally exhausted, but am also enjoying myself so much... This has truly been an incredible experience. God is meeting me here and teaching me a lot about selflessness, love, and pouring out... I have been so blessed to see Christine be so blessed. I think, too, that I have met some people who I will know for a long time to come. You can please pray for Betty, who is not a believer and has been asking me a lot of questions...
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Weddings, Wedding Cakes, and other Ramblings
A few of you have been asking for photos of cakes I've done, so here you go...
For about five years now, my friends and coworkers have been getting married at an alarming rate :) In just two weeks, I will be in an airplane, heading west to Redondo Beach, CA to my best friend from high school's wedding. She lives in California, and well, I live here. It's been fun being a Maid of Honor from across the country, though I can see a bunch of ways it would be easier if I were closer... Some of you know I have coordinated weddings, helped with wedding hair/makeup, I've even gotten to photograph two of them... and most frequently, have made wedding cakes. It all started about five (FIVE!) years ago with Kent and Erin's wedding in beautiful Marble, Colorado. Sorry, don't have pictures of those cakes... I have learned that being IN the wedding and making the cake is not the most intelligent of ideas. Coordinating and doing hair/makeup and the cake is also a bit tricky. Photographing and making the cake is doable, but a bit tiring. It makes your arms want to fall off. I have decorated more cakes than I can actually remember... What a "sweet" way to bless people! Okay, sorry, needed that bit of cheese in there to make sure you were paying attention... Recently, this has been made easier with the help of Sugarplums and Tea's Pastry Chefs, who make the cake and frosting and then I get to decorate away (my favorite part and it sure beats the old days where I made everything, too)... I'm definitely not a pro at this, but I love to play, so it's fun that my friends let me do this for them...
For about five years now, my friends and coworkers have been getting married at an alarming rate :) In just two weeks, I will be in an airplane, heading west to Redondo Beach, CA to my best friend from high school's wedding. She lives in California, and well, I live here. It's been fun being a Maid of Honor from across the country, though I can see a bunch of ways it would be easier if I were closer... Some of you know I have coordinated weddings, helped with wedding hair/makeup, I've even gotten to photograph two of them... and most frequently, have made wedding cakes. It all started about five (FIVE!) years ago with Kent and Erin's wedding in beautiful Marble, Colorado. Sorry, don't have pictures of those cakes... I have learned that being IN the wedding and making the cake is not the most intelligent of ideas. Coordinating and doing hair/makeup and the cake is also a bit tricky. Photographing and making the cake is doable, but a bit tiring. It makes your arms want to fall off. I have decorated more cakes than I can actually remember... What a "sweet" way to bless people! Okay, sorry, needed that bit of cheese in there to make sure you were paying attention... Recently, this has been made easier with the help of Sugarplums and Tea's Pastry Chefs, who make the cake and frosting and then I get to decorate away (my favorite part and it sure beats the old days where I made everything, too)... I'm definitely not a pro at this, but I love to play, so it's fun that my friends let me do this for them...
Rob and Sandy's wedding in Berne, Indiana. I got to "shoot" with my friend Nicola as well, which was fun - Thanks Nic for letting me play with your camera... I may have even taken some of these cake photos. This also wins the prize for the farthest I've traveled with enough cake for 350 people in a car... And a super fun road trip with Nicola, Felixa and Dean, and Tim.

The couple met on a photo/video assignment for GD filming in Kenya. So we thought the groom's cake could be the Nikon D-7o (they joke was that the camera was the thing that started it all, even though we really know it was all God...) I had help from my friend Tim on the groom's cake. He helped carve out the 3-D effects.
These were probably the most interesting cakes I have done. I was heavily involved in the wedding of Annie and Nigel last fall and it was so much fun. I learned leading a youth retreat the day before a wedding is not a good plan... I thought Nigel was crazy when he told me he wanted this cake... But I love how unique it is and is to this day, one of my favorite cakes I've made. Those are white chocolate "cigarettes" cut to different lengths around the cake and raspberries covered with powdered sugar in the middle.

I love that there's a fly on this cake picture...


The couple met on a photo/video assignment for GD filming in Kenya. So we thought the groom's cake could be the Nikon D-7o (they joke was that the camera was the thing that started it all, even though we really know it was all God...) I had help from my friend Tim on the groom's cake. He helped carve out the 3-D effects.

These were probably the most interesting cakes I have done. I was heavily involved in the wedding of Annie and Nigel last fall and it was so much fun. I learned leading a youth retreat the day before a wedding is not a good plan... I thought Nigel was crazy when he told me he wanted this cake... But I love how unique it is and is to this day, one of my favorite cakes I've made. Those are white chocolate "cigarettes" cut to different lengths around the cake and raspberries covered with powdered sugar in the middle.

These cakes were for my friend Amy's wedding almost one year ago. She worked with me at GD and I got to do all sorts of fun stuff for her wedding (coordinate, hair/makeup, cakes). It was fun to be so involved and I learned a lot from it! Thank you for trusting me so much on your big day and for being the most laid back couple ever.

This was maybe the second or third wedding cake I made... I was a bridesmaid in my friend's wedding and made the cakes (not sure I'll do that again - that was a bit harder than I bargained for...)

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